Waking up to my brother’s hard cock pressed against me

“I was in the shower, enveloped by comforting steam. The hot water turned my skin a rosy red, as tiny beads of water made their way down my body.”

I picked up the soap and rubbed it in my hands. Then, I put my hands on my boobs and moved them around. The soap and the water felt nice together.

I moved my hands down to my belly and then to my privates. I felt all tingly and excited. I spread my legs a little and the steam wrapped around me. I took the razor and put some cream on it. I started shaving my privates, moving the razor slowly and carefully. It felt really good.

When I was done, I rinsed off the soap and got out of the shower. I dried myself off with a towel and felt happy and relaxed. My privates were smooth and soft now.

Fresh from the shower, with steam still clinging to my skin like a warm embrace, I left off my underwear and slipped into my silk light blue short nightie. The fabric felt cool and soothing against my skin, a gentle contrast to the hot water I had just stepped out of. Outside, the storm unleashed its fury upon the world, rain pattering against the windows in a relentless rhythm, the occasional flash of lightning illuminating my apartment with ghostly light.

I was brushing through my damp hair, I noticed my dildo next to me and I got the urge to use it. I picked it up and sat on my bed, I lifted my nightie a little and grabbed the lube. I lubed it up and slid it inside my now clean-shaven pussy. I was lost in the pleasure of my dildo, my pussy slick and swollen around it. But the sudden knocking at the door startled me, jolting me back to reality. I quickly pulled the toy out, leaving me feeling empty and wanting. I grabbed my nightgown and pulled it down, trying to cover myself up as I hurried to the door.

Opening the door, I found my brother Andrew, drenched from head to toe, his appearance as surprising as the storm itself. “Hey, Kat,” he said, a sheepish smile on his face as if he half-expected to be turned away into the night from whence he came.

Shocked to see him in such a state, I quickly ushered him in. “What are you doing out in this weather Andrew?” I asked as he dripped onto the floor, looking more like a lost sailor than my sibling.

Shrugging, he replied with a chuckle, “My power’s out, thanks to the storm. Mind if I crash here tonight?”

“Of course, you can stay,” I said, leading him to the living room, where the storm outside seemed to fade into the background, replaced by the warm glow of home and the presence of family.

Seeking to make the best of the situation, I suggested, “How about we make this a cosy night in? Let’s open a bottle of something and just relax.”

“That sounds amazing,” he agreed, his spirits visibly lifted by the prospect.

What began as a modest proposal to enjoy a drink or two soon evolved into a night filled with laughter, shared stories, and more drinks than originally planned. The storm raged on outside, but it felt distant, irrelevant even, as the warmth of sibling camaraderie filled the room.

Many drinks and hours later, the room was gently spinning, a testament to our indulgence. “We… we should se…settle down hiccup for the night,” I slurred, my thoughts as fuzzy as my vision as I navigated towards my bedroom, the soft silk of my nightie gliding around me.

No sooner had I stumbled into the comfort of my bed, than a knock at the door and my brother’s voice floated through the room. “Sis, got any spare blankets?”

“No, sorry,” I murmured, the words slightly muddled by the alcohol. Then, struck by a moment of tipsy inspiration, I added, “But there’s plenty of room here, and it’s comfy. You can share the bed if you want.”

And so, what started as a solitary night transformed into an unexpected sleepover, the storm outside nothing more than a backdrop to the simple, yet profound, joy of family.

A few hours later, I awoke, still ensconced in a groggy haze, the world around me a soft blur. The digital clock on my nightstand glowed gently in the dark room, its digits reading 3:45 am. The storm had lessened its grip on the night, now merely a distant murmur compared to its earlier fury.

As my eyes adjusted to the dimness, I became acutely aware of the warmth beside me. My brother, in the quiet of the night, had unconsciously sought comfort, his arm draped over me, his body snuggled up close to my back, as we lay in a spooning position.

I wriggled a little to try to get comfy and that’s when I felt something hard pressed against my ass cheek. I put my hand under the blanket and behind me and what I just grabbed shocked me. Omg, I just touched his cock through his boxers. My brother had a raging hard-on, in his sleep while he pressed against me.

Drowsy and disoriented, my heart raced with a mix of shock and confusion at the unexpected sensation. His warm, solid length pressed firmly against my backside. I jolted awake, my heart racing with shock and confusion. A warm, solid length pressed firmly against me, through the thin fabric of his boxers. I couldn’t believe what was happening – he was my brother, and this was so wrong. The thought of him inside me made me feel disgusted with myself, but at the same time, a part of me couldn’t help but be curious. I lay there, frozen in place, unsure of what to do next.

Feeling curious, I reached behind me and slipped my hand into his boxers. I pulled his hard cock out and began to slowly stroke it as he slept. I could hear his subtle moans, and it only made me hornier. I knew it was wrong, he was my brother, but I couldn’t help the tingling sensation between my legs.

With his arm still draped over me, I gently moved his hand and placed it on my breast. I moved back a little and positioned his cock against my pussy. I pressed my arse against him and felt him slide inside me. “Oh fuck,” I thought, I couldn’t believe I had just pushed my sleeping brother’s cock into me. I moved back and forth as I looked out the window as my pussy slid up and down his cock.

As I feel his hand Suddenly squeeze my breast and his cock inside me, I realize what I’ve done. I’ve woken my brother up and now he’s fucking me. I freeze, unsure of what to do next. I feel his hips thrusting against me, his cock filling me up. I’m overwhelmed with guilt and confusion, but at the same time, I can’t deny the pleasure building up inside me.

I turn my head to look at him, and he’s staring back at me with a dazed expression. “What… what are we doing?” he mutters, his voice thick with sleep and lust. I don’t know what to say, so I just stay silent, letting him continue to fuck me.

I reach down and start to touch myself, my fingers finding my clit and rubbing it in slow circles.

But I grabbed his hips, holding him in place. “Don’t stop, Andy,” I whispered, my voice husky with desire. “I want this. I want you.”

He looked at me, his expression unreadable. But then he groaned, his hips thrusting forward again. “Fuck, Kat,” he muttered, his hands gripping my hips as he pounded into me.

I moaned, my fingers working furiously on my clit. The pleasure was building up inside me, my pussy clenching around his cock.

“We… we shouldn’t oooh fuck this is good, we shouldn’t be doing this,” he said but he didn’t stop he just went faster as he fucked me in my bed.

He pulled out and laid me on my back as he got on top of me and slid back inside.

I felt his weight on top of me, his cock sliding back into my pussy. He started to fuck me harder, his hips slamming into mine. I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him closer to me. I could feel his breath on my face, his eyes locked onto mine.

“Kat, this is wrong, your pussy feels good though not gonna lie,” he said, but his voice was strained with pleasure. “Ahhh. Shh, and fuck me,” I didn’t care, I just wanted to feel him inside me. I reached up and pulled him down to me, and hugged him tight as his cock hammered my pussy hard.

As Andrew continued to thrust into me, the intensity of our lovemaking grew. His hips slammed into mine with a raw, primal force, driving his cock deeper inside me with each thrust. I could feel every inch of him, the head of his cock probing my most intimate depths as he filled me up completely.

My legs were still around him but even tighter, as I met his thrusts with my own. I could feel his balls slapping against my arse, the sound of our bodies colliding filling the room with a rhythmic, intense sound that only seemed to heighten the pleasure building inside me.

Andrew’s breath became ragged, his moans growing louder as he approached his climax. I could feel his cock swelling inside me, the veins standing out as he pounded into me with a fierce intensity.

Suddenly, he let out a low growl and his thrusts became erratic, his pace quickening as he drove himself to the brink of release. I could feel him tensing up inside me, his cock pulsing as he released his load deep inside my pussy as he hammered the last drops into me.

We lay there, our bodies still pressed against each other as we caught our breath, the aftershocks of our intense lovemaking still reverberating through our bodies.

As I drifted into sleep, a smile found its way across my face. I had just lived through something I never imagined possible, creating a memory that would stay with me forever.


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