The council men threesome – British Girl

I couldn’t help but feel a little thrilled as I lay on my bed in my short, silk nightgown. I had recently turned eighteen and was living at my parent’s house while I searched for a new place to call home. My parents had left me alone to go shopping. Before I remembered the pink dildo I had stashed beneath my bed, I was feeling a little restless and bored. at my birthday celebration last week, a gift from my closest buddy.

I pulled out the vibrator and lifted my nightie to reveal my black underwear because I was feeling really adventurous. The sensation of the fabric elongating over my pussy heightened my arousal. I lubricated the dildo and sank it slowly into me without thinking twice. I imagined it was a real cock inside of me, so I closed my eyes and let out a little groan. As I was entering, the sound of my laboured breathing filled the room, and then I heard a knock on the front door.

Panicking, I quickly pulled out the dildo and sighed, straightening my panties. I headed to answer the door, hoping it was just my parents returning. But to my surprise, two older men were standing on my doorstep.

“Hey, We have come to fix your… your fireplace, love?” one of them said, eyeing me up and down. I blushed, realizing that I was still in my revealing nightie and it was ridden up as I quickly adjusted it.

“Well, yes. It’s right down the corridor,” I stumbled and tried to gather my thoughts. “I will not be long.”

I let them in hastily shut the front door and headed back upstairs. Despite my beating heart, I found myself somewhat turned on by the guy’s interest. I repositioned myself on my bed, took off my knickers, and went back to enjoying the dildo. My pussy started to sweat and ache from the pleasure I was feeling as I moaned and pounded against it.

Little did I know, the two men were spying on me through the slightly open door. They watched as I pleasured myself, and I could feel their eyes burning into my skin. I was too caught up in my pleasure to notice them, until I heard a voice whisper, “Oh fuck.”

“Well, we need a new part for your fireplace which we will have to come back again. You look hot, we can fix you if you like sweetheart” the taller man said as he groped his crotch not taking his eyes off me.

Startled, I opened my eyes to see the men standing in my doorway, their eyes filled with desire. Without thinking, I blurted out, “Please, come in. I am so horny.”

The men wasted no time in obeying my request. They closed the door behind them and made their way to my bed. “I am Andrew by the way and this is John” Andrew said while taking his pants off. Their hands all over my body turned me on, and I moaned as they lifted off my nightie and as one of them undid my bra, leaving me completely exposed.

My body ached for their touch, and my pussy felt drenched. Andrew moaned, “Fuck, you’re so moist,” running his fingers over my shaved wet pussy.

John abruptly got to his feet and spoke softly into Andrew’s ear. It didn’t take long for Andrew to hoist me up and get me on my hands and knees, with John standing behind me. I was eagerly anticipating what I knew was going to happen. John entered me from behind with his cock filling me, forcing its head into my pussy lips.

I gasped at the sensation, and Andrew positioned himself in front of me. Without hesitation, I took him into my mouth, relishing the feeling of both men inside me. The intense pleasure was almost unbearable as John and Andrew moved in and out of me, their bodies pressed against mine. I was being spit-roasted, and it was the most intense sexual experience of my life.

I sucked his cock with hunger the sound of slapping as John thrust his cock in and out of my pussy from behind.

My moans were muffled by Andrew’s cock, and I could feel myself nearing the edge of orgasm. John was pounding me harder, and I could feel the tension building inside me.

I had never felt so alive and wanton as I did in that moment, down on my knees with my mouth wrapped around Andrew’s cock. The sound of slapping flesh and my moans filled the room as John pounded into me from behind. I could feel the hunger in my body, a primal need for pleasure and release.

Andrew’s cock was thick and hard, filling my mouth and hitting the back of my throat with each thrust. I could taste the salty precum on my tongue as I eagerly sucked and licked, my hands gripping his thighs for support.

“God, that’s it, suck on it love,” Andrew groaned, his voice filled with desire. “How are you doing, John?”

‘Shit, Andrew, her pussy has such a grip,’ John replied, his voice strained with pleasure. “Arghh, fucking hell, she feels so good.”

I could feel John’s hands on my hips, his grip strong as he pulled me back onto his cock. feeling the tension building inside me, my body responding to their relentless rhythm as he kept fucking me. I was lost in a haze of pleasure, my moans muffled by Andrew’s cock.

‘John, don’t keep her pussy to yourself,’ Andrew said, his voice low and husky. ‘I wouldn’t mind having a pop at her.’

With that, he withdrew his cock from my mouth and John and Andrew swapped roles. I could feel the difference in their size as Andrew slid his engorged cock into my pussy. A shock of pleasure shot through me as he hit all the right spots, his thrusts deep and powerful.

He was slamming into me hard, his hands gripping my hips as he pounded me faster and faster. I could feel my orgasm building, a fire burning in my belly. I was so close, but I didn’t want it to end yet.

“Fucking hell, you’re right John, she feels great,” Andrew said, his voice filled with pleasure. “Hey, don’t cum just yet, love.”

His grip on my hips tightened, and he pounded into me even harder. I could feel the intense pleasure coursing through my body, my pussy clenching around his cock. John’s cock was still in my mouth, and I could feel him pulsing as he got closer to his orgasm.

My poor pussy was getting hammered by Andrew’s big cock, but I couldn’t get enough. I wanted more, I needed more.

I could taste the juices on his cock from my pussy when he fucked me before Andrew, and I eagerly sucked and licked, my mouth watering with desire. John’s thrusts were faster now, and I could feel the tension building in his body. I could feel his cock swelling in my mouth, and I knew he was close.

With one final thrust, he exploded in my mouth, his hot cum filling my mouth. I choked and gagged I eagerly swallowed, my orgasm hitting me like a tidal wave. Andrew was still pounding into me, and I could feel his release approaching.

He came inside me with one final, lethal pound. His hot cum filled me in huge spurts as I screamed in pleasure. He continued pounding until he gradually slowed down, completely emptying his load into me.

He pulled out, breathing heavily as he and his companion put their pants back on. They both smiled at me and I blushed, feeling embarrassed.

“Well, I wasn’t expecting this when I set off to work today,” Andrew said, still trying to catch his breath. “Thank you, love. How old are you, by the way?”

I replied, avoiding eye contact, “I just turned 18.”

Andrew’s expression softened and he said, “I have a daughter who is your age. I feel bad for us doing this with you. But when we saw you masturbating, we just had to help you out.”

“It’s okay,” I said, forcing a smile. “I don’t regret it, I needed it.”

Andrew turned to face me and gave me a piece of paper as they were about to go. “That is my number,” he said with a kind grin. “In case you ever need some help again.”

“I observed the engagement ring,” I uttered. “You’re married, but to be honest, it doesn’t bother me. Being with a married man makes me even more drawn to the idea.”

“Yes, I am,” acknowledged Andrew. “But like I said, seeing you with that sex toy got me aroused and I don’t regret what happened.” Just before he left he groped between my legs and smiled, “Oof such a good pussy you have, I hope I get to meet it again sometime.” He then left as I closed the door and I was shocked at what I did.


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