Neighbors with Benefits: I can’t believe I acted like a slut

On a regular Tuesday night, I was super bored. I had just gotten out of the shower finishing drying my tits and getting changed. I put on matching underwear and a shirt with jeans and headed back downstairs.

Moments later I tried to find something fun to watch on my phone, but nothing caught my eye. So, I thought, “Why not read a book instead?” Just when I got all cosy, the doorbell rang.

Looking through the peephole, I saw a tall man with big shoulders and a friendly smile. He had dark hair and a beard, which made him look cool and handsome. I got curious and opened the door.

“Hey, I’m Alex,” he said with a big smile, holding a cup. “I just moved in next door and I’m trying to make cookies but realized I’m out of sugar. Could I borrow some?”

His smile made me feel all funny inside. “Of course, come in,” I replied, moving to let him inside. He walked with me to the kitchen.

“I haven’t unpacked everything yet and thought making cookies would be a nice way to celebrate my new place,” he told me while looking around my kitchen.

As he talked, I noticed how his shirt made his arms look strong. “I’ll help you out,” I offered, grabbing the sugar. I could feel him watching me, and it made me feel warm all over.

“Thank you so much,” he said, his smile brightening.

“I’m Sarah,” I introduced myself, shaking his hand. His hand was strong and warm in mine.

As we chatted, I found out he was a graphic designer who had just moved to the city. He had recently ended a long relationship and was hoping to start fresh here.

I couldn’t help but flirt a bit. He was really nice and good-looking, and I liked him.

“So, what are your plans for tonight?” I asked, hoping he would get my hint.

He looked at me playfully. “I was planning to go for a run, but I’m open to something more fun if that’s what you’re suggesting?”

I smiled, feeling excited. “How about we watch a movie together? I was just about to start one.”

“Sounds great. What movie?” he asked.

“How about ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’? It’s a great movie,” I suggested, hoping he’d like the idea.

He laughed and agreed. “Perfect. Lead the way.”

We sat down on the couch with the movie on. I felt an exciting energy between us, curious about how the night would unfold.

While we watched, I found myself looking at Alex more than the movie. I noticed how handsome he was, the way his muscles looked under his shirt, and the warmth he gave off. I wanted to be closer to him.

Feeling brave, I placed my hand on his leg. When he looked at me, his eyes told me he was okay with it. I smiled, feeling bold.

“I like you, Alex,” I whispered, feeling a thrill. It was crazy—I barely knew him. But there was something about him.

He smiled back. “I was hoping you’d say that,” he said smoothly.

He leaned in for a kiss, and it was like fireworks went off. That kiss said everything. We stopped watching the movie and just enjoyed being together, discovering this exciting new connection.

He broke the kiss, his breath coming in short gasps. “I want you too, Sarah,” he said, his voice thick with lust. “Well, this is a great welcoming to the neighbourhood, I never expected this.”

I moaned softly, feeling a wave of pleasure wash over me. I knew I needed him, and I was ready to give myself to him completely.

He reached down and began to unbutton my shirt, his fingers deft and steady. I closed my eyes, savouring the feeling of his touch on my skin. As he undid the last button, he slowly peeled my shirt away, revealing my lacy bra and the swell of my breasts.

He reached out and cupped my breast with his hand, his fingers teasing my nipple through the fabric. I moaned softly, feeling a jolt of pleasure shoot through me.

He pulled my bra down under my tits as he then leaned down and took my nipple into his mouth, his tongue swirling around the sensitive skin. I arched my back, pressing my breast against his mouth, desperate for more.

He continued to tease my nipple with his tongue, his hand moving down to the waistband of my pants. I felt a thrill of anticipation as he began to unbutton my pants, his fingers sliding beneath the fabric to touch my skin.

He slid my pants down my legs, revealing my matching lace thong. I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me, but it was quickly replaced by a surge of lust as he began to caress my ass through the fabric.

He hooked his fingers into the waistband of my thong and began to pull it down, exposing my damp cunt. I felt a sudden rush of vulnerability, but I knew I had to trust him.

He pressed his lips to my inner thigh, his breath hot against my skin. I gasped, feeling a jolt of pleasure shoot through me. He continued to kiss my thigh, moving higher and higher until his lips finally found my pussy.

He began to lick and suck at my clit, his tongue teasing me mercilessly. I moaned and squirmed, my body trembling with pleasure. He continued to pleasure me with his mouth, his fingers sliding inside me.

He continued to pleasure me with his mouth, his fingers sliding in and out of me. I moaned and squirmed, my body trembling with pleasure as is fingers darted in and out of me. I could see my juices coating his fingers, my pussy felt so good.

He stopped and stood up and took his pants off, I felt a thrill of anticipation as I saw the bulge in his boxers, and I knew I needed to have him inside me.

He pulled off his boxers, revealing his massive cock. I gasped, my eyes widening at the sight of it. It was thick and long, and I knew it would fill me up completely.

He climbed back onto the couch, positioning himself between my legs.

He began to tease my entrance with the tip of his cock, sliding it up and down my slit. I moaned softly, feeling a jolt of pleasure shoot through me.

He pressed the head of his cock against my entrance, and I gasped as I felt him begin to push inside me. He continued to push deeper, I look down between my legs as I see his full length disappear inside my pussy.

He began to thrust in and out of me, his cock sliding in and out of my wet pussy. He grabbed my ass, pulling me closer to him as he thrust deeper inside me.

“I want you to cum for me,” he growled, his voice thick with lust. “I want to feel your pussy clenching around my cock.”

I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him closer, deeper. I wanted to feel him everywhere, to be consumed by the fire burning between us. He quickened his pace, driving into me with an unrelenting force.

I moaned and groaned, the sounds of our bodies colliding filling the room. The pleasure was overwhelming, the intensity building to an unbearable peak. I could feel my orgasm approaching, a storm ready to break.

He whispered words of desire and passion in my ear, fueling the flames of our lust. I clung to him, lost in the sensation of our bodies moving as one. The world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us locked in a dance of ecstasy.

He pulled out of me and placed his cock near my lips. “Don’t worry, I will continue in a moment, I just want to feel your mouth around it first.” He said as I took his cock into my mouth.

I moaned at the taste of him, feeling his hardness against my tongue. I sucked him eagerly, enjoying the way he groaned in pleasure. His hands threaded through my hair, guiding me gently as I pleasured him with my mouth.

He gasped as he felt the warmth of my mouth, the wetness of my tongue. I looked up at him, our eyes locked in a heated gaze. I could see the desire burning in his eyes, matching the flames within me.

He moaned as I sucked him, my mouth moving up and down his length. I could feel his cock pulsing with desire, his hips bucking gently as he lost himself in the pleasure.

I sucked and licked, eager to please him, to show him how much I wanted him. His moans of pleasure spurred me on, the sounds of his arousal driving me wild.

After a few moments, he pulled away, his cock glistening with my saliva. He guided me back onto the couch, positioning himself between my legs once more. I felt a shiver of anticipation as he rammed himself back up my pussy.

“Hold on this is going to be rough,” he said as he held both my legs over each of my shoulders and he held the back of my thighs tightly.

He began to pound into me with a brutal intensity, his cock driving deep inside me with each powerful thrust. I cried out in pleasure, feeling the force of his movements reverberate through my body. The sound of our skin slapping together echoed through the room, a symphony of raw desire.

I clung to him, my nails digging into his back as he continued to ravage me. His hips pistoned against mine, his cock stretching me to my limits. I could feel the tension building inside me, the pleasure spiraling higher and higher.

He growled in primal satisfaction, his eyes locked on mine with a fiery intensity. The sheer force of his thrusts sent waves of pleasure crashing over me, each one more intense than the last. I could feel my climax approaching, a storm on the horizon.

my body convulsed with ecstasy, my pussy clenching around his cock in a vice-like grip. He continued to pound into me, driving me to the edge and beyond.

He grunted and groaned above me, his movements becoming more urgent, more desperate. I could feel the tension in his body, the need for release driving him to new heights of passion.

He let out a guttural groan as he found his own release, his cock pulsing inside me as he emptied himself. I could feel the warmth of his seed filling me, mixing with my own pleasure to create a heady cocktail of desire and satisfaction.

We lay there, panting and spent, our bodies still entwined in the aftermath of our passionate encounter. The room was filled with the musky scent of sex, a tangible reminder of the intensity of our connection.

As we caught our breath, he leaned down and kissed me softly, his lips tender against mine. I could feel the warmth of his body pressed against mine, the lingering echoes of our pleasure still thrumming through me.

“I’m so glad I moved in next door,” he whispered, his voice filled with warmth and affection. “I think we’re going to get along just fine.”

I smiled up at him, feeling a surge of happiness and contentment. At that moment, wrapped in his arms, I knew that this was just the beginning of something wild and wonderful between us. And I couldn’t wait to see where it would lead.


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