My girlfriend’s sister sucks my cock and swallows my load

The sun was barely up, casting a soft glow over the day that wasn’t just any ordinary day. Today, I was heading over to my girlfriend Mia’s place for a movie marathon, a day I had been looking forward to all week. Mia, 23, with her long, flowing hair that shimmers like the sunlit sea and eyes that sparkle with joy, was someone you couldn’t help but adore. She had this way of lighting up a room that made you feel instantly at ease. Sasha, her sister, 21, with her rebellious streak mirrored in her short, edgy haircut and mischievous eyes, added a layer of excitement to every gathering. Their contrasts were captivating, Mia with her warmth and Sasha with her boldness.

I, Mark, 28, decided to dress in a way that I thought Mia would appreciate, opting for my favorite jeans and a shirt that brought out the color of my eyes. Breakfast was a hurried affair as my mind was already at Mia’s place, imagining the day ahead. I didn’t forget to stop by the store to pick up snacks—chips, popcorn, chocolates, and, importantly, sour gummies for Sasha, knowing how much she loved them.

Arriving at Mia’s, the atmosphere was immediately welcoming. Mia, dressed in an oversized sweater that draped over her like a warm hug and leggings that complemented her relaxed yet stylish vibe, greeted me with a radiant smile. “Hey! You made it!” she exclaimed, her hug enveloping me in warmth. Sasha’s presence was announced with a smirk, her attire a stark contrast to Mia’s—tight jeans and a low-cut top that seemed to challenge the norms, her way of marking her territory.

“We’re gonna have the best night,” Mia promised, excitement dancing in her eyes as she spoke of the movies she had picked out for us. Sasha’s grin widened, “And I’ve made sure we’ve got the best spot on the couch. It’s gonna be super cozy, just you wait.”

The day passed in a blur of laughter and conversations, with Sasha occasionally throwing in flirty comments and subtle touches whenever Mia’s attention was elsewhere. These moments, charged with a thrill yet shadowed by guilt, were like our little secret.

As night fell and the temperature dropped, the warmth inside Mia’s living room offered a cosy refuge. Sasha quickly fetched a huge, fluffy blanket, declaring it the solution to the chill in the air. With the blanket spread over us, Mia snuggled to my left, her sweater a soft barrier between us, while Sasha claimed the spot to my right, her choice of clothing feeling like a statement under the shared cover.

The movies played, but the real unfolding drama was on the couch. Caught between the warmth of the blanket, Sasha’s bold advances, and a growing sense of guilt, the evening was etched into my memory as one of complex emotions.

“It’s perfect, right?” Sasha whispered her voice a blend of temptation and innocence.

“Yeah, perfect,” I found myself responding, a mixture of contentment and concern in my voice. Mia, oblivious to the undercurrents, continued to watch the screen, her smile a picture of blissful ignorance.

As the next movie began, I felt a subtle tug at my zipper from under the blanket. Initially, I thought it was Mia feeling frisky, but when I looked over, I realized she had dozed off. Turning to Sasha, she put her finger to her lips, signalling for me to keep quiet. She then slid under the blanket and began to suck my cock.

I was trying to keep my composure, not wanting to wake Mia. I couldn’t believe what was happening as I peeked under the blanket and watched Sasha take my cock in her mouth. She was so skilled, her tongue swirling around the head of my cock, her lips sliding up and down my shaft. She took me deep into her throat, and I let out a soft moan.

“Oh, Sash this feels good,” I whispered as I continued to look down the blanket of her head bobbing up and down.

Sasha moaned softly, the vibrations sending shivers down my body and through my cock

“Fuck, you’re so good at this,” I groaned, my voice betraying the severity of my arousal. I felt her lips curl into a smile against my skin, her tongue swirling around the head of my cock, the sensation so intense it nearly brought me to the edge.. 

I reached down and stroked her hair as she continued to pleasure me. I was close to cumming, my balls tightening. I wanted to watch her take my load in her mouth, so I gave her a warning.

“I’m about to cum,” I whispered.

Sasha didn’t stop; she just sucked harder, and I let go, shooting my load into her mouth. She swallowed every drop, and then, with a devilish grin, she licked her lips and gave me a naughty smile. Sasha eagerly gulped down every drop, not letting a single one escape. My body trembled, my breaths coming in short, heavy gasps. When she finally released me from her mouth, I collapsed back against the cushions

“That was amazing,” she said.

Before I could respond, Mia began to stir, and Sasha quickly slid back out from under the blanket. She looked at me with a twinkle in her eye and then turned back to watch the movie, acting like nothing had happened. I was left in awe, and I couldn’t believe what had just transpired.

As the movie ended, Sasha got up and went to her room, leaving me and Mia alone. I couldn’t stop thinking about what had just happened, and I knew I needed to talk to Sasha about it. I found her in her room, sitting on her bed, and I sat down next to her.

“I can’t believe what we did,” I said.

Sasha just smiled and shrugged.

“That’s what happens when you’re left alone with a horny girl,” she replied.

I couldn’t help but laugh. She was right, and I was grateful for the experience. It was a night I would never forget.


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