My brother’s party waking to his cock

The evening air was warm and inviting as I arrived at Jayden’s house, the scene of his last-minute summer bash. The backyard was a vibrant tableau of twinkling fairy lights and clusters of friends old and new. Among them, I noticed Elise, a face I hadn’t seen since our high school graduation.

Elise was effortlessly radiant, her dark hair flowing in soft waves to her mid-back, catching the glow of the fairy lights. She was dressed in a stunning red cocktail dress that wrapped around her elegantly, accentuating her slender waist and falling just above her knees. The dress featured a plunging V-neckline that drew subtle attention, and every time she moved, the fabric seemed to dance around her, reflecting the light mesmerisingly.

“Elise! Wow, it’s been ages,” I exclaimed, weaving through the crowd to reach her.

She turned with a bright smile, her eyes lighting up with recognition. “Oh my gosh, it has! You look amazing. How have you been?”

We reconnected over drinks, our conversation flowing as smoothly as the wine. Laughter spilt quickly between us, blending into the enormous cacophony of jubilant voices and music that filled the backyard. As the night progressed, the heady mix of alcohol and the relentless pulse of indie rock left my head spinning delightfully.

A few hours into the party, the intensity of the night began to weigh on me. “I think I need to catch my breath for a bit,” I confessed to Elise, the room starting to swirl too much.

“Go rest up,” she responded, her voice tinged with concern yet still cheerful. “We’ll hold down the fort!”

Grateful, I made my way inside the house, welcomed instantly by the blast of cool air from the air conditioning. I climbed the stairs, each step steadier as I left the noise behind. The hallway stretched before me, dimly lit and quiet, a stark contrast to the lively backyard.

Pushing the door to Jayden’s room, I was greeted by the familiar chaos of his living space—clothes strewn about, multiple posters, and his unmade but inviting bed. I stumbled over, collapsing onto the bed and burying my face into the cool pillow. The softness enveloped me, muffling the sounds of the party into a soothing hum. As I lay there, the evening’s laughter and music remnants faded into a peaceful silence. I was at my brother Jayden’s party, drunk out of my mind and having the time of my life. I stumbled upstairs to his room to take a quick nap.

I woke up to the feeling of something hard and thick sliding in and out of my pussy. At first, I was disoriented and confused, but as my senses came back to me, I realized that Jayden was on top of me, pinning my thighs to my chest as he fucked me mercilessly.

“What the… mmmm why… oh shit my pussy, why is your dick inside me,” I said as I woke from my groggy drunken state. I woke to my brother pinning my thighs to my chest as he pounded his cock in and out of my pussy.

“Shit… sorry, ahh fuck, sis, I saw you sprawled out, and your pussy was showing, and I just had to have a piece of you.” He said as he held me tightly and thrust more into me. I could still hear the party downstairs.

“What the fuck, Jayden?! How could you do this to me?! I’m your goddamn sister!” I yelled, trying to wiggle free from his grasp.

I couldn’t fucking believe what was happening! My brother was taking advantage of me while I was drunk and vulnerable!

“I-I couldn’t resist, sis. Your pussy was just… so fucking tempting, and I couldn’t help myself,” he mumbled, still thrusting his cock in and out of me.

“Mmm, fuck, Jayden, your cock feels so fucking good inside me, even though I know I shouldn’t be enjoying this,” I moaned, my body betraying me as I felt my pussy clenching around his cock. I was so drunk and confused, but my body seemed to have a mind of its own.

“Mmm, yessss, fu… fuuuuck just like that, Jayden… oh fuck, your dick feels so fucking good,” I moaned, my body trembling with pleasure as my brother continued to fuck me hard.

I knew I should stop him, but at the same time, I couldn’t help myself. The pleasure was too intense, too overwhelming. I let myself get lost in the feeling of his cock inside me, letting out moans and groans as he fucked me harder and harder.

“Fuck, yes, Jayden, just like that…oh, god, your cock feels so fucking good,” I moaned, my body trembling with pleasure as he fucked me harder and harder. His hips slammed into mine with each thrust, the head of his cock hitting that perfect spot inside me, causing my whole body to shudder.

My pussy was dripping wet, slick with arousal, as he slid in and out of me. He was grunting and panting above me, sweat dripping from his brow and onto my chest as he took me roughly.

My hands reached up to clutch at his shoulders, my fingers digging into his muscles as he plunged into me again and again. His thrusts grew more urgent, his movements more frantic, and I could feel the pressure building inside me, that delicious, familiar feeling of an impending orgasm.

“Fuck, Jayden, I’m gonna cum, don’t stop, oh fuck, just like that,” I moaned, my body shaking with pleasure as I felt my orgasm approaching. My pussy clenched around his cock, and I could feel every inch of him as he drove into me. My hand fell between my legs, and I reached to my sweaty clit and rubbed it hard as his cock kept on just destroying me.

“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m cumming, oh god, Jayden!” I screamed, my entire body tensing as waves of pleasure washed over me. My pussy convulsed around his cock, gripping him tightly as I came hard, my juices flowing out of me and coating his shaft.

Jayden groaned as he felt me cumming, his thrusts becoming erratic as he reached his own climax. “Fuck, sis, I’m gonna cum too, oh fuck!” he growled, his hips snapping forward as he pumped his load deep inside me. I could feel the warmth of his semen filling me up, my pussy still gripping him tightly as he emptied himself inside me.

I couldn’t believe what had just happened – I had just let my brother fuck me right here in his own bedroom. I should have stopped him, should have pushed him away, but my body had betrayed me, craving the pleasure he had given me.

Jayden pulled out of me slowly, his cock glistening with my juices and his own semen. He looked down at me, his eyes full of lust and desire. “Fuck, sis, that was incredible. I’ve wanted to do that for so long.”

I looked up at him, feeling a mix of shame and arousal. “I… I can’t believe we just did that,” I stammered, my body still trembling with aftershocks of pleasure.

Jayden leaned down and kissed me, his lips soft and tender against mine. “Don’t worry about it, sis. It was just a moment of weakness. But I have to say, you have the most amazing pussy I’ve ever felt.”

I couldn’t help but blush at his words, feeling embarrassment and pride. “Thank you, I guess,” I said softly, still trying to process what had just happened.

Jayden stood up and started getting dressed, his movements quick and efficient. “I’m going to head back downstairs. You should probably get some more sleep,” he said, giving me a wink before walking out of the room.


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