I got my pussy fucked by 2 trans girls

Steam gently wafted around the room, enveloping me in a warm embrace as I stepped out of the shower. Wrapping myself in the comforting softness of my towel, I stood in front of the fogged-up mirror, gently wiping away the mist to reveal my reflection.

My skin, still flushed from the heat, radiated a natural glow, and my hair, damp and tousled, framed my face with an effortless charm. Tonight was meant to be significant, a celebration with James, yet a whisper of uncertainty lingered in my heart. I finished drying my tits and the rest of my body as I began looking for some clean underwear.

I put on a clean pair of black matching Bra and panties. My gaze drifted to the elegant black dress laid out on my bed, its fabric smooth and inviting. It promised an aura of confidence and a dash of mystery, the perfect attire for the night’s plans. As I let the towel fall to the floor, the dress embraced me, its cool fabric tracing my contours with precision and care. I slowly zipped it up, watching as my reflection transformed into a vision of sophistication and strength.

“Tonight’s the night,” I whispered to myself, admiring the way the dress accentuated my form, the length playful yet dignified. With a final touch of makeup, a spritz of my favourite perfume, and I was ready to face whatever the night had in store.

The club’s energy hit me the moment I stepped in, the pulsating rhythm of the music vibrating through my body. I scanned the crowd for James, feeling my heart flutter when our eyes finally met.

“Kirsty, you look absolutely stunning,” he said as he took my hand, his eyes lingering on me with an intensity that felt heavy.

“I wanted tonight to be special,” I replied, my voice steady despite the fluttering in my chest. “Shall we dance?”

As we moved to the rhythm of the music, our bodies closed, and the world around us seemed to fade into a blur. But as the night progressed, tension began to build, an unspoken friction that slowly unravelled the fabric of our evening. A misplaced word, a misunderstood gesture, and suddenly, our connection frayed into an argument.

“James, I just can’t do this anymore,” I said, my voice firm, cutting through the cacophony of the club. “I can’t live under your constant control. It’s over.”

The words hung between us, heavy and irrevocable. Without waiting for his response, I turned on my heel and made my way to the sanctuary of the ladies’ room, my heart pounding against my ribcage.

The bathroom offered a moment of quiet from the chaos outside. I leaned against the cool tiles, my breaths coming in short gasps. That’s when I heard the gentle voices of concern.

“Hey, are you okay?” asked a woman with kind eyes and a comforting smile. Beside her stood another, her presence equally reassuring.

“I’m fine,” I lied, my voice barely a whisper.

“I’m Mia,” the first woman said gently, “and this is Jade. We’ve all been there. Breakups are the worst, but you’re not alone.”

Their empathy was like a soothing balm. “I’m Kirsty,” I replied, managing a weak smile. “I just ended things with my boyfriend. His controlling nature was just too much.”

In their company, the weight of my heartache began to lift. Mia and Jade shared their stories, their laughter, and their understanding, and slowly, the night took on a new colour.

“So, what’s the plan now, my love?” Jade asked her voice a melody of warmth. “Let’s make this a night about new beginnings instead.”

Their invitation was a lifeline, pulling me from the depths of my sorrow. We returned to the dance floor, the music now a backdrop for our newfound sisterhood. They moved with a freedom that was infectious, and I found myself getting lost in the rhythm, the laughter, the sheer joy of the moment.

During a lull in the music, I couldn’t help but notice something unique about Mia and Jade—their voices were deeper than I had expected, adding a layer of intrigue to their already captivating personalities.

“You both have such strong, beautiful voices,” I commented, curiosity colouring my tone.

Mia and Jade exchanged a glance, a silent communication passing between them. Then, with a grace that spoke of their confidence and pride, they shared their truth.

“We’re glad you noticed,” Mia started, her smile never wavering. “We’re trans women. It’s a part of our journey, our story.”

Their honesty struck a chord within me, their vulnerability forging an even deeper connection between us. “Thank you for trusting me with that,” I said, my respect for them growing exponentially. “Your journeys are incredibly inspiring.”

The night melted away in a blur of music and laughter. When the lights came on, signalling the end of the night, a part of me didn’t want it to end.

“You shouldn’t go home alone,” Jade said, her voice laced with genuine concern. “Stay with us. We’ll look out for each other.”

In any other situation, I might have hesitated, but with Mia and Jade, I felt a connection, a safety net in the whirlwind of my emotions.

“Thank you,” I said, a sincere smile breaking through. “I’d really appreciate that.”

As we rode through the city in a taxi, the night around us felt calm and cosy. Mia and Jade’s friendly chatter made the ride feel short. “Let’s have a drink to celebrate our new friendship,” Jade suggested with a sparkly smile as we got out of the taxi and headed into their welcoming apartment.

Mia quickly set up some glasses and poured wine, making the room feel even warmer. We all cheered for a night of new beginnings and sat down to chat and laugh together. It was really nice, but I couldn’t help noticing Mia and Jade whispering to each other now and then. They’d giggle and then look over at me with mysterious smiles.

Curiosity bubbled up inside me after a while. “What’s going on, you two?” I asked, trying to sound joking but really wanting to know. “You keep whispering and it’s making me wonder!”

Mia and Jade shared a quick look and then faced me, their smiles warm. “Kirsty, we’ve been chatting, and we think you’re really great,” Mia started, her voice gentle. “We’ve got an idea, something special we think you might like.”

Jade nodded, her eyes kind and encouraging. “We’ve been through a lot, and we know sometimes you’ve got to take a chance when you meet the right people. We’ve got a suggestion for you, something we believe could be really fun if you get me for all of us.”

Their words made me feel excited and a little nervous. I leaned forward, eager to hear more about this mysterious plan they had. “Go on,” I urged them, ready to find out what they were thinking.

“Kirsty, we’ve seen how courageous and strong you are tonight,” Mia began her voice gentle but carrying an undeniable weight of sincerity. “Letting go of something that’s not right for you, takes a lot of strength.”

Jade nodded, her eyes locking with mine in a way that made me feel truly seen. “Life’s about finding your truth, connecting with people who really get you,” she added. “It’s more than just tonight. It’s about living with authenticity and building real, meaningful relationships.”

They let their words hang in the air for a moment, allowing me to absorb the depth of their message. My heart was still racing from the night’s revelations and their unexpected proposal.

“We want you to know, we’re here for you,” Mia continued, her gaze soft but unwavering. “It’s about creating a space of understanding, where you’re valued and respected.”

Jade gently took Mia’s hand, their connection evident and strong. “We’re offering more than just a place to stay tonight,” she said, her voice filled with warmth. “We’re offering a space where you can be yourself, fully and truly.”

The room was silent for a brief moment, their offer hanging in the air like a gentle promise. Their invitation wasn’t just about sharing their home; it was about sharing a part of their lives, an offer of care and connection.

Mia and Jade’s offer hung warmly in the air, their caring words wrapping around me like a comforting blanket. “You don’t have to stay on the couch,” Mia had said, her voice gentle and inviting. “Feel free to stay in our room. We’ll make sure you’re taken care of.”

Jade smiled as she said, “Oh and trust me, you be very taken care of really well,” her eyes looked me up and down. She gently adjusted her crotch I could see her getting hard.

Jade’s reassuring smile echoed Mia’s sentiment, making the offer feel even more genuine and heartfelt. “You’re not alone, Kirsty,” she added. “We’re here for you.”

Their kindness was overwhelming in the most beautiful way. I felt a sense of gratitude and safety that I hadn’t realized I was missing until now. “Thank you, both of you,” I said, my voice soft but clear. “I really appreciate this, more than you know.”

We all stood up, the night drawing to a close around us, and followed Mia as she led the way to their room. The space was warm and welcoming, just like the rest of the apartment, with a sense of tranquillity that immediately made me feel at ease.

Mia turned to me, holding out a soft, neatly folded nightie. “Here, you can borrow this,” she offered with a gentle smile. “I want you to be comfortable.”

The gesture, simple yet so thoughtful, touched my heart. “Thank you, Mia,” I said, accepting the nightie with a smile. “That’s really kind of you.”

I took off my clothes as I stood there in my bra and panties with them looking at me putting the nightie on. “Cute butt you have Kirsty” Jade said while getting into bed. I was embarrassed my face blushing, “Thank you,” I didn’t know what to say.

The soft hum of our voices filled the room, the three of us tucked into the bed, me nestled in the middle. The comfort of their presence was a soothing balm to the day’s earlier chaos.

“We’re really glad you’re here, Kirsty,” Mia whispered her voice a gentle melody in the quiet of the room.

“Me too,” I murmured, feeling the sincerity of our connection in every word. “I never expected my night to turn out like this, but… I’m grateful.”

In the soft glow of the bedside lamp, Mia’s eyes met mine, a depth of understanding passing between us. Then, almost as if moved by the night’s silent symphony, she leaned in closer. Before I could even catch my breath, her lips brushed against mine, soft and questioning, a tender exploration of the new territory we were navigating together.

The kiss was a whisper, a shared secret wrapped in the comfort of the night. I was startled, my heart a fluttering drumbeat in my chest, but I didn’t pull away. Instead, something inside me responded to her gentleness, her respect.

As Mia gently pulled back, the room held its breath. I turned, seeking Jade’s eyes, searching for a sign, a guidepost in this uncharted terrain. Her gaze was tender, her smile a soft reassurance.

Then, as if answering an unspoken question, Jade’s hand gently cupped my face, guiding my gaze back to hers. “Kirsty,” she breathed, her voice a low thrum that resonated within me. “Is this okay?”

Her eyes searched mine, waiting for a sign, a permission. And in that moment, the intensity of our connection, the depth of the trust we’d built, anchored me.

“Yes,” I whispered, my voice barely a thread in the tapestry of our shared space.

With a tenderness that spoke volumes, Jade leaned in, her lips meeting mine in a slow, deliberate kiss. It was an affirmation, a silent conversation between our hearts, and as her lips moved against mine.

As the kiss deepened, Mia’s hand traced a line down my arm, her touch sparking a fire within me. My body responded, my skin tingling with anticipation, and as her hand reached my thigh, I felt a surge of desire. Before I could even process the sensations coursing through me, Mia’s fingers were tracing the edge of my panties, her touch teasing and gentle.

Jade’s kiss deepened, her tongue flicking against mine, and I moaned, my body responding to the heat building within me. As if sensing my need, Mia’s hand slipped beneath my panties, her fingers tracing the delicate folds of my vagina.

But just as I thought I couldn’t take any more, my senses were overwhelmed by the sight of Mia and Jade, their cocks out, standing tall and proud in front of me. I gasped, my eyes widening in shock and arousal, as they took turns fucking me, their thrusts deep and powerful, their bodies moving in perfect rhythm.

As they pounded into me, their hands roaming my body, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe and gratitude. Here I was, in the midst of a wild and unexpected sexual encounter, with two incredible trans women who had embraced me and showed me pleasure in a way I had never imagined. As the pleasure built, I felt myself surrendering to the sensations, my body responding to their every touch and thrust.

Their tits bounced on every thrust inside me, at one point Jade was fucking my pussy while Mia fucked Jade’s ass.

I had never experienced anything like this before, and I couldn’t believe how much I was enjoying it. As Jade and Mia continued to ravage me, I felt my mind spiralling into a state of pure ecstasy. Their hands and mouths were everywhere, exploring every inch of my body, their cocks filling me up and stretching me in ways I had never known were possible. I was lost in a haze of pleasure, my mind completely consumed by the intense sensations coursing through me.

But then, as if by some unspoken agreement, Mia and Jade switched positions, and I found myself being double penetrated. Mia’s cock pounded into my pussy, while Jade’s cock filled my ass, and I was overwhelmed by the intense pleasure of being taken by both of them at once.

“Oh fuck me mmmmm ooooh,” I couldn’t hold back any longer, my arse hurt but both pounding my arse and pussy at the same time made me so turned on.

It was like nothing I had ever experienced before, and I couldn’t believe how much I was enjoying it. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge, my body trembling with each thrust, each touch, each kiss. And just as I thought I couldn’t take any more, I felt myself explode in a burst of pleasure, my body convulsing as I reached my climax.

Mia and Jade continued to pound into me, driving me to new heights of pleasure, until finally they too reached their own peaks, their bodies shuddering as they released themselves inside me.

As we all came down from our intense orgasms, we collapsed onto the bed, our bodies intertwined and our breathing heavy.

Mia and Jade wrapped their arms around me, and I felt a sense of warmth and contentment wash over me. I had never expected this night to turn out the way it did, but I was grateful for the experience and the connection I had made with these two amazing women.

As we lay there, basking in the afterglow, I couldn’t help but wonder what other unexpected adventures lay ahead for me. But one thing was for sure – I was ready for whatever came my way, as long as it involved these two incredible trans women.


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Belle histoire mais trop courte. Gros bisous à vous j attend la suite si vous plaît. Vasco



J’écrirai plus bientôt, dis-moi ce que tu veux entendre et je l’écrirai