I gave Mom a massage and in return, I got a handjob and more

It’s 7 PM when Mom walks through the door, each step heavy with the day’s labour. I look up from my textbooks, noticing the weariness in her eyes. She’s only 48, but life seems to ask more of her with each passing year. She had a decent size pair of tits 34DD, my friends in the past always remarked on her figure.

I was the only child and Dad left when I was only 4, so it has just been us and she has been a great mom. My friends often would make jokes about how they would love to shag her. I never saw my mom in any kind of vulgar way. But that was about to change.

“Hey, Matt,” she says, her voice tired but warm.

“Hey, Mom,” I reply, bookmarking my page. The familiar ache in her movements catches my attention as she slips off her shoes.

“Tough day?” I ask though it’s more observation than a question.

“Just the usual,” she responds, trying to brush off the fatigue. “Your studies?”

“Good, just a lot,” I say, but my concern for her overshadows my college worries. I notice her rubbing her feet, each movement a silent testament to her day.

“Mom, let me give you a foot massage,” I suggest. She hesitates, always reluctant to accept help.

“You don’t need to do that,” she starts, but I’m already making room for her.

“I want to,” I assure her, gently guiding her feet into my lap.

She relaxes as I massage her feet, the day’s stress slowly melting away. We sit in comfortable silence, the city’s distant hum blending with the rhythm of our quiet evening. At this moment, our roles shift subtly; I become the caregiver, offering her a respite, a gesture of my deep-seated gratitude and love.

Mom says, “Wow, my feet feel a lot better,” sounding a little surprised. She straightens her back, stretches a little, and gives me a confused, grateful expression. “Is it possible for you to also massage my back? It’s been killing me recently.”

Knowing that she needs this more than she admits, I nod and smile. “Certainly Mom, start by getting your top off and I’ll get ready.”

She stands up and begins to take off her shirt, revealing her bra underneath her tits was not small nor too big just right. She removes her skirt as she chuckles; “my son my own masseuse,” she says while I can’t help but admire her figure, still toned and beautiful despite the years of hard work. 

Mom takes me to her room where she keeps her oils, she gets on the bed and lays on her stomach. I get the oils and begin to work my hands over her back. I can feel the tension and knots in her muscles, and I focus on kneading them away. Mom lets out a small moan of pleasure, and I can tell that she is enjoying this as much as I am.

Her groans are quite pleasant. As I try to disregard the thoughts racing through my mind, I notice my cock becoming hard. I kept wondering how she would moan if my cock was inside her.

My mom turns around and asks, “Is everything okay? Oh,” she noticed my cock is pushed against my jeans. I pause for a moment.

Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to…” I stammer, embarrassed and ashamed of myself. Mom says, sitting up, “It’s okay, honey,” putting her hand on my shoulder. “I understand it’s just a common response, you’re a guy after all. Alright, let’s just concentrate on the message”. I nod, pleased with her understanding.

I can’t help but become more and more infatuated with her as I massage her. I know it’s wrong, but I can’t seem to stop my mind from straying into prohibited territory. I make an effort to ignore such ideas and concentrate on providing her with the greatest massage I can.

As I work on her, I can see her body gradually losing its tension and stress. Her breathing evens out and her shoulders loosen. And I feel happy and at peace with myself at that precise moment. Mom gave me a nice hug and thanked me after the massage.

She continues, “You absolutely have no idea how much I needed that sweetheart,” she has been struggling greatly lately, and I can see it, therefore I feel bad about thinking such inappropriate things.

And then to my shock what she said next, though, she then smiled at me. “I notice that you’re still kind of hard, maybe you should you know go to the bathroom and take care of it.” I can’t believe she was suggesting I go knock one out. “I can’t do that mom, I feel weird doing that to myself, does feel uncomfortable,” I lied to her as I always jerk off who doesn’t.

“Ok, I can’t believe am saying this, get it out and ill try to help,” she said as I unzipped my jeans it sprung out hard as fuck. “Now don’t panic It’s just a handjob, no penetration ok, sorry not sure why the heck I said that, oh my… you are… big,” she said as her hands got to work.

It’s incredible to see what is going on and seeing my cock in my mom’s hand. I’m going to get a handjob from my mom wtf. However, I’m too overwhelmed to say no just now like who would? I can’t contain my sigh of pleasure as she begins to caress me.

“That feels good Mom,” I said as her hand jerked my cock, which looked so hot and sexy. I was starting to look at my mom in a whole new light, which I never thought I would.

Nothing compares to the way she touches me. I love her even more after this. I am quite appreciative of her since she has a knack for making me feel fantastic. My attention is fixed on her cleavage her tits look so good as they jiggle as her hand jerks me and she realizes that I’m staring down her bra. I went even further over the edge because of this, which just made my cock react.

Her hand was moving more quickly and fiercely. I knew that I was approaching the brink more and more. My hold on the bed tightens and my breathing gets laboured. And then, as her hand massaged my cock, I hit my climax with one more strong stroke.

Omg, I noticed her other hand rubbing her pussy through her panties, my own mom turned on by jerking me off. Seeing that I lost it and I exploded robes of cum into her hand with a loud gasp as my body tensed up. As I experience an even more intense orgasm, she keeps pumping me.

“Cum for me, sweetie, let it all out, I will stop once it is all out of you,” she whispered, stopping as the last spurt hit me. She uses a tissue to clean me up, leaving me speechless and dazed.

She looks at me with a satisfied smile and says, “I hope that helped relieve some of your stress too.” I can only nod, still unable to form coherent thoughts. As I lay there, catching my breath, I can’t help but feel a mix of emotions. Guilt, pleasure, and confusion swirl around in my mind. But one thing is for sure – I will never forget this intense handjob from my mom.

Then I just said, “Mom, do… erm… do you need, well you know, relieving” It’s ridiculous that I just said that.

“Shit, what have I started? I can’t let you do that, but then again, I did that to you. You are my son, even if it has been years since I was with a guy.” She appeared to consider the concept.

“Ok, sorry Mom, I just wanted to help, if you ever change your mind I will gladly help you are so beautiful,” I was unable to shake the sinister ideas from my mind at this point.

It was a moment that I will always remember and a secret that I will carry with me forever. A part of me wanted more but I knew she would never. Maybe next time I give her a massage I can slowly get my way to do more.

That night, while lying in bed, I heard moans coming from my mom’s room next door. Curiosity got the best of me and I quietly got out of bed and tiptoed down the hallway. Peeking through the slightly open door, I was taken aback by the sight before me. There was my mother, with the bedside lamp on, pleasuring herself with a sex toy.

The sudden arousal hit me like a ton of bricks, causing my penis to instantly become erect and hard. I quickly closed the door and was about to head back to bed when an idea struck me. My heart was racing with excitement as I could still hear the muffled sounds of her moaning, indicating that she was thoroughly enjoying herself.

I gently knocked on my mother’s bedroom door and could hear her moaning inside. She quickly stopped and exclaimed, “fucking shit!” I waited for a moment before she finally called out, “Come in.” I cautiously entered the room and saw my mother lying in her bed, tucked under the covers and pretending to read a book.

“Are you okay, Mom? I heard some noises and thought you were having another anxiety attack,” I asked, concerned. She looked at me with a flushed face and put down her book. “I… umm, no, son. I was just watching TV and turned it off. I’m fine, you can go to bed now, sweetie,” she said, trying to dismiss me. But it was obvious that she was hiding something, probably trying to finish herself off.

I didn’t go back to bed, at least not my own. Instead, I approached her and asked directly, “Why did you do that earlier? You know, jerk me off?” I was curious to hear her explanation.

“I… I don’t know,” she blushed deeply and continued, “I shouldn’t have done that. You helped me with that massage, which really helped. I noticed you had tension down there and… oh no, am I a bad mom?” She covered her face with her hands and began to cry.

I got into her bed and sat down next to my mom and wrapped my arm around her, pulling her in close to me. “Mom, you’re the best. Seriously, I mean it. What happened between us, I have no regrets. I loved it,” I said sincerely.

“I know I shouldn’t have offered to do it if you needed something in return, but I also know that you have needs too. Like earlier, when you were…you know,” I continued, trying not to make her uncomfortable. “I’m not mad, but I did see what you were doing and it was pretty hot. I know you’re my mom, but you deserve to have your own needs fulfilled too.”

“Um, sweetie? I think it’s time for you to hit the hay. It’s getting pretty late,” my mom awkwardly stuttered as her hand brushed against my crotch under the cosy blankets by accident. I could tell she was blushing like crazy, trying to ignore the fact that I caught her in the act of pleasuring herself.

“I mean, we should probably have a chat about this, but not right now. It’s just… not the right time.” I could see the discomfort written all over her face as she struggled to find the words. “I never thought we’d be having this kind of conversation, but I guess it’s better to address it sooner rather than later. But for now, let’s just call it a night, ok?”

I gently touched her leg and asked, “Do you really want this? I could stay here with you for the night, just holding you close. I wish I could do more, but I know it’s not right. But I can tell you need it. Take a minute and think about it. If you want me to stay, just turn off the lamp.” My hand moved up her thigh.

She let out a deep breath and, surprising me, switched off the lamp before snuggling up on her side. I lay down next to her, facing her, the moonlight from the window providing just enough light for me to see her face in the darkness.

My hand was on her hips as I looked into her eyes, I moved my hand to the bottom of her nightie. She reacted “W… we can’t sweetie, we can’t,” she said as my hand was on the hem of her nightie.

“Mom, are you sure? I love you and I know you trust me. You deserve to have someone in your life, and who better than someone you trust?” I spoke as my hand reached under her nightie, feeling her bare skin. I couldn’t resist giving her ass a gentle squeeze.

She let out a soft moan, trying to protest, “We…we can’t, honey. This is wrong, I… I am your mom.” But I stopped her with a kiss on her neck, causing her to let out more moans as I continued to kiss her slowly and passionately.

“We…we…” she stuttered, her voice filled with uncertainty. I paused my kisses on her neck and whispered, “Shh, it’s alright. Just relax.” I reassured her, then continued kissing her neck. Suddenly, I felt her leg wrap around my waist.

I reached under my mom’s leg to grab my boxers, feeling my hard cock pushing against the fabric. When I pulled it out, it was rock hard and accidentally brushed against my mom’s clit, which was right next to my cock because her leg was still draped over my waist.

“Sweetie, wha… what are you doing, we can’t” she said again, but I wanted her so bad.

“Hey, you okay?” I asked, pulling her close to me. My boner was pressing against her pussy and I couldn’t help but want to slide it into her. She hesitated, unsure of how to respond. “Do you want me to stop?” I interrupted, teasingly rubbing my penis against her vagina. “I…I don’t know, we probably should, but…” She trailed off, and I couldn’t resist testing her.

“You can stop me at anytime mom, your pussy needs it so I am going to give it to you, relax and enjoy it,” I said as I then kissed her lips.

I held her thigh up to my side and slowly slid my cock inside her, causing her to gasp.

“Oh my god, what are you… mmmm,” she started to say, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I started thrusting in and out of her wet gash, her pussy felt amazing. She didn’t try to stop me, so I flipped her over onto her back and continued to pound into her as I lifted her nightie off. 

“Fuck, you feel so good,” I said as I pumped my cock in and out, I started to fuck her as she moans.

“Mmmm, we… ahhh we can’t swe… sweetie,” that is all she keeps saying.

But now I was having sex with her and she was moaning with pleasure. My mouth was on her large breasts and I was sucking on them. She had her legs wrapped around my back and I was thrusting into her.

“Oh my god, this feels so good… mmmmm, fuuck, sweet… sweetie… mmmmm, my pussy, I can’t believe your fucking mommy,” she moaned. I could tell she was really enjoying it, so I started moving faster.

My hips pounded into her making a slapping sound as her pussy flaps gripped my cock. I stopped sucking her tits and whispered into her ears.

“You feel so good, Mom arrghh fuck your pussy feels good. I can’t believe I am fucking you.” She moaned in response and I knew she was close to climaxing.

“Oh fucking hell, mmmmm ugh, sweetie… oh sweetie,” she said as I pounded her hard, I wasn’t sure how much longer I could last as she felt great.

She was squeezing her big boobs as I continued to fuck her harder and harder. The bed just creaked underneath us and the headboard pounded against the wall. My cock pounding the place I once came from and was doing her good and hard.

I reached down and started rubbing her clit, sending her over the edge. As she came, her pussy tightened around me and I couldn’t hold back any longer.

I was trying to control myself I really didn’t want this to end so soon. I couldn’t but get to the point of no return as knowing I was fucking my mom in her pussy turned me on to the highest levels.

“Argghh fuck mom, mmmm arrgh” I tried to hold on longer but I couldn’t do it. I pounded and pounded sinking my face deep into her chest. One final slam in her cunt and I exploded inside her, filling her with my hot cum. I kept thrusting as I grunted as I just kept on cumin inside my mom’s pussy.

I finally slid out of her leaving her pussy with a juicy creampie. We lay there for a few minutes, catching our breath and trying to process what had just happened. I looked at my mom and she looked back at me, a mixture of pleasure and guilt in her eyes.

“That was amazing,” I said, breaking the silence. “Yes, it was, but it was so wrong, fucking hell, we shouldn’t have done it,” she replied, still catching her breath.

“You didn’t try to stop me, why,” I said looking at her with my hand stroking her cum soaked pussy.

“I… I should have, but I needed it, I can’t believe am saying this to you, but wow that has to be the best sex I have had and you are definitely bigger than your father.” Oh wow, I can’t believe she said that to, bigger than my dad’s huh?

We both knew what we did was wrong, but in that moment, it felt so right. We cuddled and talked for a while, both of us unsure of what the future held for us. But one thing was for sure, we couldn’t resist the forbidden temptation that had brought us together. Maybe I shouldn’t have had sex with her but I don’t regret it, truthfully I would do it again.


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