I became rebellious in college and had a threesome


I’m Sarah, and this story is based on actual events when I was just 18. I’m a bi-girl, and today, I want to take you back in time with me. Are you ready for an intense ride? Get comfortable and enjoy the ride.

My phone buzzed as it lay next to me on my stomach while reading a magazine on my bed, swinging my legs around like a pendulum and chewing bubble gum. It was a message from my girlfriend – “We need to talk,” followed by a crying emoji at the end.

I tapped out a message in response, my fingers trembling with worry. I typed, “Babe, what’s going on? Tell me.” I hit send and waited anxiously as my phone buzzed. The message read, “Come to mine. We can’t talk over messages.”

Without hesitation, I wore my denim jacket and headed straight for the front door. “Sarah, where are you off to at this hour?” My mum asked as she saw me rushing towards the front door. It was already 8:30 pm.

“I won’t be long, Mum; Claire needs to talk to me about something important,” I reassured her as I left the house, slamming the door behind me.

I was nervously walking down the street towards Claire’s place. It didn’t take long before I reached her front doorstep with sweaty palms and racing thoughts about what could be wrong between us; who loved each other so much we were both just 18 years old.

There was a big van outside her house. I knocked on the door, and Claire’s mum answered. Her face suddenly went sad when she saw me as she touched my arm. “Sarah, I… I am so sorry, sweetheart. Claire is upstairs; she will explain.” I was confused, like what the fuck.

As I walk upstairs, I see her dad carrying boxes out of her room; I see Claire. Her face looks like she has been crying.

“Babe… what… what the hell is going on,” I said as Claire approached me and threw her arms around me. She sobbed into my shoulders as I hugged her tightly as she was pressed up close.

“Sarah, we are leaving tonight to leave the country,” I couldn’t believe it; my world came crashing down, and I felt a sharp pain in my heart. Not physically but emotionally.

“Nah, your fucking with me, right. Tell me you are; please tell me this shit isn’t for real, babe, I… I need you.” tears rolled down my cheeks as she reached out and wiped my face. I pushed her arm away.

“So, how long have you known you were leaving,” I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. “Tell me, a week, a month. So when you were fucking me last night, was that for old times sick.” I was angry, a wreck, a mess, and heartbroken.

“NO, it’s not like that, Sarah. You know I love you.” As Claire tried to explain, I couldn’t bear to listen.

My heart was shattered into a million pieces. “Love me? Love me? You’re leaving me, Claire! How can you say you love me and then leave like this?” I yelled, the tears streaming down my face.

“Sarah, please listen to me. My parents got a job offer overseas in Australia and said we had to leave tonight. I didn’t know about this until today; please, baby, I swear,” she whispered, her voice cracking with emotion.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Claire, my girlfriend of two years, was leaving me to move overseas with her family. How could this be happening?

“But what about us?” I asked, my voice shaking with emotion. “What about our plans for the future? What about college and our careers?”

Claire looked down at the ground, tears still streaming down her face. “I don’t know, Sarah,” she said softly. “My parents decided for us, and there was nothing I could do to change it.”

I felt a wave of anger wash over me. How could her parents do this to us? Didn’t they know how much Claire and I loved each other? Didn’t they care about our future together?

Her mum and dad entered her bedroom, which looked bare by the minute. Her mum spoke again, “We are so sorry, swee…” I cut her off, “Yes, you said before, why… why do you…” I couldn’t get the words out with the lump in my throat as I balled my eyes out.

I ran out of the room and down the stairs, Claire shouting, “Sarah, please… please stop.” I shouted, “So much for you will never leave me, what a fucking liar.” I ran and just kept running and running.

When I got home, I slammed the door, ran to my room, and threw myself onto my bed. I grabbed my pink teddy bear, which Claire had bought me for Valentine’s Day.

There was a knock on my bedroom door, “Darling, can I come in,” my mum said as I just continued to sob into my teddy.

“Yes, Mum,” I managed to choke out between sobs.

My mum opened the door and walked over to my bed, sitting beside me and wrapping her arms around me. “Shh, it’s okay, Sarah. You can tell me what’s wrong.”

I took a deep breath and tried to gather my thoughts. “Claire… she’s leaving tonight with her family,” I said, barely above a whisper.

“What do you mean?” my mum asked, confusion clear on her face.

“They got a job offer overseas, Australia, and they have to leave tonight,” I explained, tears streaming down my face. “She didn’t know about it until today; there was nothing she could do.”

My mum hugged me tighter and rubbed circles on my back. “Oh honey, that must be so hard for you.” She paused for a moment before continuing. “But sometimes things happen that are out of our control; all we can do is try to move forward.”

Claire has been an essential part of my life for the past two years; how can I move on like nothing has happened? I sat up in bed and looked at my mum with eyes filled with tears again as if asking what I should do now. My whole world has turned upside down in just one evening!

My phone buzzed; it was a text from Claire. The message read, “I’m so sorry, Sarah. I love you so much. Please don’t forget me, please,” ending with a sad face and crying emoji.

I couldn’t believe what was happening. My heart ached with pain, and my head was spinning. I looked at my phone, and another message came through from Claire. It read, “Can I come over? We need to talk more.”

I didn’t know what to do. Part of me wanted to see her one last time before she left, but another part wanted to be alone with my thoughts and emotions. After a few moments of contemplation, I let her come over and texted her, saying, “OK.”

A short while later, there was a knock on the door. My mum answered it, and Claire walked in, looking like she had been crying for hours, too. She walked straight towards me and wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace as we both sobbed into each other’s shoulders once again.

“I can’t stay for long; Mum and Dad are waiting outside,” Claire said, her voice barely above a whisper.

“I understand,” I replied, still sobbing into her shoulder.

We pulled apart and looked at each other, our eyes red and puffy from crying. I reached out and took Claire’s hand in mine, squeezing it.

“I don’t know what to do without you,” I said, my voice cracking with emotion. “You mean everything to me.”

Claire wiped away the tears and gave me a small smile. “I feel the same way about you,” she said softly. “But we don’t have a choice; we have to move. I hated it when they told me today.”

Tears rolled down both of our faces as we hugged each other tightly one last time before she had to leave for good. I could feel her body shaking with sobs as she held onto me like she never wanted to let go. But eventually, we pulled apart again, both of us wiping away tears from our faces.

We kissed for the final time as we held each other’s faces and gently kissed. “Goodbye,” Claire said softly as she walked towards the door. Her parents were waiting outside, their van running in front of the house, already loaded with boxes and bags full of their belongings for their new life in Australia.

They drove off to start their new life. I was broken. “Mum,” I said, wrapping my arms tightly around her as she held me close as I sobbed my heart out.

Six months later:

“You’re not having breakfast, Sarah,” Mum said as I was rushing around, as I was late for college.

“Sorry, Mum, I don’t have time; I will get something at college.” I left the house and walked down the street to the bus stop. As usual, Gary was waiting for me at the bus stop.

“Oh, you made it in time, Sarah. Haha, I’m surprised you are turning up to college after our session last night,” he said, laughing after giving my bottom a little squeeze.

“Shut up, Gary,” I said with a smile as I punched him playfully on the arm. “I always make it to class.”

“Nah, I meant from the hammering last night; I don’t mean from the drink,” I can’t believe he said that at the bus stop. A little old lady, her expression was shocked.

“Gary, what the fuck? Don’t talk about that here,” I said as I punched his arm. But I had to admit last night’s sex was amazing. “Yeah, but my mum wasn’t happy about me coming in then,” I said as we saw the bus in the distance.

The bus arrived, and we let the old lady get on first, and I was followed then by Gary, who slapped my ass.

It’s been six months since I last heard from Claire. I sent messages, nothing, not a single text back.

I tried to move on with my life, but it was hard. I couldn’t stop thinking about Claire and the love we shared. It felt like a part of me was missing, and I didn’t know how to fill the void.

That’s when Gary came into my life. We met at a party and hit it off right away. We started hooking up, and it quickly became a regular thing. It wasn’t love, but it helped take my mind off Claire for a while. Gary was my, you know, special friend, a fuck buddy, friends with benefits, whatever you want to call it.

We eventually arrived at the campus, and going through the hallways, I saw Mark. He was the hottest guy in college, and he was Gary’s best friend. Who would have thought I had only been with a girl six months ago? I have changed so much; I’m not as good of a girl as I once was.

Gary left me as I was going to my tutor; I was studying beauty therapy. “Sarah, remember to meet me at launch, oh and you, Mark,” that was strange; why did he want to meet Mark as well?

Walking into my tutor’s room, I sat at the table and pulled out my notebook. We went through the lesson plan for the day, discussing different beauty treatments and techniques.

“Alright, Sarah, let’s move on to the practical part of today’s lesson. We’ll be doing a facial treatment on one another,” my tutor says, gesturing towards me and another student.

I nod, feeling nervous because I haven’t had much experience with beauty treatments. But I try to push aside my doubts and focus on the task.

“First, we need to cleanse the skin thoroughly,” my tutor explains, demonstrating how to use a cleansing milk and toner. “This helps remove any dirt or impurities throughout the day.”

She explains that it’s my turn to practice with the other students. I carefully apply the cleansing milk and watch it lather slightly before rinsing it with warm water. Next is the toner; I gently pat her face with a cotton pad soaked in toner solution until her skin feels tight and refreshed.

“Good job, Sarah,” my tutor praises me as she discusses exfoliation techniques for removing dead skin cell build-up that can clog pores, leading to acne breakouts or blackheads, etc…

I continue to follow the instructions, feeling more confident as I practice with my classmates. After exfoliating, we apply a face mask tailored to her skin type. While the mask is set, my tutor explains the benefits of different ingredients commonly found in facial products.

Once the mask is removed, I carefully rinse it off with warm water and pat her face dry with a clean towel. Next, I apply a serum rich in antioxidants and hydrating ingredients that help protect and nourish her skin. Finally, we apply a moisturizer suitable for her skin type to lock in all the goodness from our treatment.

As we finished, my tutor complimented me on my technique and encouraged me to keep practising at home. I thank her for her guidance and feel proud of myself for completing this task successfully despite my initial nerves.

I left the classroom feeling accomplished and ready to face whatever challenges came my way. Walking down the hallway, I saw Mark leaning against his locker, looking as handsome as ever.

He looked up and caught my eye, flashing me a dazzling smile that made my heart race. “Hey, Sarah,” he said in his deep voice. “How was your class?”

“It was good,” I replied with a smile. “I learned a lot about facial treatments.”

“Mmmm, facial treatments huh,” I giggled at his response. “You have been watching too many porn videos, Mark, haha,” I chuckled; I couldn’t believe the hottest guy in college was talking like this with me.

Mark pushed himself away from his locker, strolling towards me with a confident stride that made my heart race. “You’re right, Sarah,” he smirked. “But I can’t help it if I have a dirty mind.”

Gary appeared out of nowhere, wrapping his arm around my waist. “Hey, I want to go for a smoke, and you and Mark, we will go somewhere quiet,” he asked, something ticking in his mind.

Gary led Mark and me to a secluded area behind the campus where we often went to smoke weed. He pulled out a joint, lit it, and took a long drag before passing it to Mark. I hesitated momentarily before taking the joint from Mark and inhaling deeply.

Gary moved closer to me as the high kicked in, his hand resting on my hip and slowly to my ass. As he squeezed it gently, Mark grinned. “Sarah do you like him squeezing your ass,” I blushed as Mark got closer to me and Gary.

“Can he have a squeeze, Sarah,” Gary said with a smirk. I blushed again; I can’t believe he wanted the hottest guy to squeeze my ass. “I… I don’t know, erm, ok,” I eventually agreed.

Mark’s big hand reached down and squeezed my bum. His hand felt great, and I kept looking around to ensure no one was coming. Even though it felt great, it also felt weird, like I know I had been fucking around with Gary, but to be in this moment, right here and now. My heart raced. I didn’t know what was going through Gary’s mind. But then again, it is Gary, after all.

“Are those real,” Mark said, looking down at the crack of my cleavage. “You cheeky bastard, haha, of course,” I chuckled as he stared down my low-cut top.

Gary moved even closer, his hand now resting on my lower back. “Sarah, you know Mark and I have been friends for a long time,” he said, his voice low and seductive. “And we’ve always shared everything.”

I looked up at him, confusion written all over my face. “What do you mean?” I asked nervously.

“We’ve always talked about girls we like and what we want to do with them,” Gary explained, his hand now moving down to my ass again. “And you know what? We both think you’re incredibly sexy.”

My heart was pounding as Gary said those words to me. Was he suggesting that Mark and I wanted to have a threesome with me? The thought was both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.

Mark sensed my hesitation because he stepped forward, taking the joint from Gary’s hand and taking another long drag before passing it back to him. Mark’s eyes met mine for a moment before dropping down to look at the swell of my breasts again.

“Sarah, I’ve had my eyes on you for a while now,” Mark said, his voice low and husky. I could feel my heart racing as he moved closer, his hand reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair away from my face. The smell of his aftershave was strong and went up my nostrils.

“You’re so beautiful, Sarah,” Gary added, his hand still resting on my lower back. I could feel the heat radiating from their bodies as they surrounded me, and I felt a sudden jolt of excitement run through me at the thought of what they were suggesting.

“I… I don’t know if I want to do this,” I stammered, suddenly unsure of myself. This was all happening so fast; it was hard to process everything.

“It’s okay, Sarah,” Mark reassured me. “We understand if you need some time to think about it.” He stepped back slightly but kept his gaze fixed on mine as he waited for my response.

Gary leaned in closer and whispered, “But just imagine how good it would feel with both of us touching you like this.” His words sent a shiver down my spine as he nibbled gently on my earlobe before pulling away again.

I don’t know why I said it, but I did, and that’s when the heat turned up. “Erm,” I looked around, “OK, but what’s right here?” I said as their faces lit up.

“Why not here? No one can see us; it will be so good,” Gary said as he undid the buckle on his belt, and I then felt Mark’s hands on my chest.

“Wait, let’s take her in there. Nobody ever goes in there, and we can get some privacy,” Mark said as they led me into a container-like space. It was slightly open as the three of us squeezed through the gap; it was echoey in here.

I felt embarrassed as I had been with a guy, just Gary, not two men at once.

Mark’s hands wasted no time as they moved to unbutton my blouse, exposing my purple lace bra. His fingers traced the edge of the fabric, making me shiver with anticipation. Gary’s hands were on my hips, pulling me closer to him as he ground his growing erection against my ass.

I felt excitement wash over me as I let myself get lost in the moment. I had never done anything like this before, but it felt right with Mark and Gary. They were handsome and confident, and I couldn’t help but feel drawn to them.

Mark’s mouth found mine in a passionate kiss as he slipped one strap of my bra off my shoulder, revealing one pert breast. His thumb brushed over my nipple, making it harden under his touch. Gary’s hand moved up to cup my other breast, squeezing it gently as he continued to grind against me from behind.

I moaned into Mark’s mouth as his lips explored every inch of mine. He tasted like smoke and something sweet that I couldn’t quite place.

I felt a surge of pleasure as Mark’s hand moved down to my jeans, undoing the button and zipper. He slipped his hand inside, his fingers finding their way to my wet pussy. I gasped as he began to stroke me gently, teasing me with each movement.

Mark gripped the top of my tight jeans, which I had to peel off. He was inspecting my body as he did so. Then Gary spoke, which made me blush more, “Dude, trust me, she has one of the nicest pussys ever.”

“Interesting, ok, let’s get her on all fours,” Mark said as they got me onto the floor on all fours. I was facing Mark while Gary stood behind me. At the same time, they both took out their cocks. Mark spoke and asked me one last time.

“You sure about this, Sarah,” to be honest, I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing. I just nodded yes.

My heart raced as I looked up at Mark, his blue eyes locked with mine. Gary knelt behind me, his hand on my hip as he guided me into position.

Mark stepped forward, his cock in his hand as he positioned it right next to my mouth. I opened my mouth, and he got closer as he entered my mouth. I slowly closed my mouth and sealed them around the head of his cock.

I felt Gary sliding his dick up and down my pussy with it rubbing against my petite labia. I moaned around Mark’s cock as he began to thrust gently in and out of my mouth. Gary slapped my ass just before sliding his cock into my pussy; it felt so good.

My sucking on Mark’s cock became more urgent as I gripped the base of his shaft and began to suck on him faster and harder. Gary’s fingers dug into my hips as he pounded into me from behind, making me moan around Mark’s cock.

As Mark and Gary continued to fuck me, I could feel the heat radiating from their bodies, and the smell of sweat filled the air. My senses were overwhelmed as both of them were taking me simultaneously.

Mark’s cock was deep in my mouth, hitting the back of my throat with each thrust. I could taste the salty precum that was leaking from his tip and the musky scent of his arousal. I closed my eyes and focused on the feeling of him filling my mouth, sucking and licking him as he moaned above me.

At the same time, Gary was thrusting into me from behind, his hands gripping my hips tightly. I could feel his hard cock sliding in and out of me; I could also feel his balls slapping against me with each powerful thrust inside my now-soaking vagina.

“Dude, don’t keep that pussy all to yourself; I want a taste,” Mark said as he pulled cock out my mouth. They swapped sides.

Mark’s cock glistened with my saliva as he moved behind me, taking Gary’s place. I felt his tip brush against my entrance before he pushed inside me, filling me up completely.

Gary knelt in front of me, his cock just inches from my face. He stroked himself slowly as he watched Mark fuck me from behind. “Fuck, she looks so hot like that,” Gary said, his voice husky with desire.

“Suck it, baby,” Gary slid into my mouth, and I eagerly started to get to work.

I moaned as Mark began to thrust into me harder and faster, each stroke sending waves of pleasure through my body.

“Ugh… mmmm,” I moaned around Gary’s cock, which he loved, as he gripped my hair. Omg, Mark’s cock was hitting the spot, which was making me foam around my gash. His grip on my hips tightened as he just moved in and out, and in every thrust, the tip of his cock touched my G spot.

“She loves our cocks, Gary; you love it, don’t you, Sarah? I know what you mean about her pussy now.” After saying that, I felt Mark’s hand reach under me between my legs. He pressed hard on my clit as his cock brushed past his fingers. He started rubbing me, and, omg, it felt so good.

“Fuck, Sarah,” Mark gasps, his hands gripping my hips tightly as he pounds into me. “Your pussy feels so damn fucking good.” His words make me even wetter if that’s even possible at this point.

As Mark and Gary continue to thrust into me, I feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge. My moans grow louder, more desperate as they both fuck me harder and faster. I can feel my orgasm building deep within me, a wave of pleasure that threatens to consume me whole.

I had to take Gary out of my mouth just for a moment as I stroked his dick and looked down at the floor while Mark just pounded the hell out of me. I don’t know what came over me; I talked filth. “Oh god, yes,” I cry out as Mark’s cock hits my G-spot once again. “Ugh… Mark Mark… Oh, Ugh Mmmmm…. Make me fucking cum all over your cock… Shit, I’m going to cum soon.” I put Gary back in my mouth and sucked as hard as I could.

Soon as I said that, the slapping on my skin got more intense; now Mark’s hands gripped my ass cheeks and pulled them up slightly as he slammed into my pussy harder.

I felt the pleasure building inside me, like a volcano about to erupt. My moans grew louder and more urgent as they both fucked me harder and faster.

“Oh god, yes!” I cried out as I felt myself getting closer to the edge. My entire body tensed up, and I knew I was about to cum hard. “Fuck, Sarah, take my fucking cock, Arggh Shit, you’re so fucking tight,” Mark gasped as he slammed into me one last time, burying his cock deep inside me.

At that exact moment, Gary groaned above me as he came hard into my mouth, filling it with his salty load. I choked as I pushed him out of my mouth. Cum just poured out my mouth and onto the floor. My ass slapped against Marks’s toned abs as he fucked me harder and harder.

I screamed out Mark’s name as my pussy clenched around his cock tightly; he grunted with each thrust until he finally came himself deep inside of my trembling body with one last powerful surge of ecstasy that left us all breathless on the floor covered in sweat and sex fluids for several moments after our intense threesome fuck session ended…

The room was filled with the sound of heavy breathing and the musky scent of sex. My body felt like jelly, and I couldn’t believe what happened. Mark and Gary looked down at me, their faces flushed with pleasure.

“That was incredible, damn girl,” Mark said, still panting heavily.

“Yeah, it was,” Gary agreed as he reached to help me off the floor.

I stood up and put on my clothes, still trying to process what happened. “Well, that was… intense,” I said nervously.

Mark chuckled and zipped up his pants. “Yeah, it was. You’re a wild one, Sarah.”

Gary grinned as he buttoned his shirt. “The wildest we’ve ever had.”

I felt my cheeks grow warm at their compliments. “Thanks, I guess?” I replied with a shy smile.

We eventually made our way back into college; time flies when you are having fun.

Later that day, I was in my bedroom, lying on my back on my bed in my nightie. I stared at the ceiling and put my hand between my legs. I smiled, remembering what had happened that day.

As I turned to my bedside dresser, my eyes landed on the framed photo of Claire and me. I picked it up, staring at our smiling faces, and felt a pang in my chest. Why Claire? Why haven’t I heard from you in six months? I tried to call and text you, but there was no response.

I loved you so much, even if I went too far today by letting them do what they wanted with me. But I felt alive for the first time in what felt like forever. And yet, your silence has left me wounded and confused.

I placed the photo back into the drawer and closed it tight. It’s time for me to focus on myself now—to heal from this hurt that has been eating away at me for far too long.


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John Thomas

John Thomas

I have never in my life have been a reader . However this is the second of your stories that I have read. I love them they are extremely captivating. I will continue to read . You are fantastic. Keep up the great work.

John Thomas

John Thomas

I have never in my life have been a reader . However this is the second of your stories that I have read. I love them they are extremely captivating. I will continue to read . You are fantastic. Keep up the great work.

My first time was with a girl I fell in love. - DesireTales

My first time was with a girl I fell in love. - DesireTales

[…] She would never leave me, and she made me so, so happy, but read what happened next. Click here for our story of what happens next. […]

Samantha Sherman

Samantha Sherman

Beautiful story and two knights in shining armor come to your emotional rescue…