Fucking my sister on the toilet

I pull up to my mom’s house, feeling nervous and excited. It’s been years since I’ve been back. Work swept me away to different cities, new projects, and always something urgent. But this weekend, nothing would keep me from this long-overdue visit.

The smell of barbecue hits me before I get out of the car, and memories flood back — Dad at the grill, Mom laughing by the patio, and a younger version of myself running around without a care. The scene is somewhat different; the roles shifted, but the warmth is familiar.

I step into the backyard, and there’s Mom, looking just like I remembered, only with a few more lines around her eyes—lines that seemed to deepen as she smiled wide at me.

“Brian! You made it!” She wraps me in a hug that feels like all the years apart are melting away.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I say, soaking up the moment.

“Before I catch up with everyone, I am bursting for the toilet,” I said as Mom laughed. “OK, sweetheart, be careful though. The lock doesn’t work on the door; I’ve been asking your dad to fix it for a while now.”

Relieved quickly and avoiding embarrassing lock incidents, I step back into the summer air, catching the tail end of laughter and chatter.

Then I see her. Kelly. The last time I saw her, she was just a kid with scraped knees and a wild imagination. Now, she’s practically an adult, and I’m at a loss for words for a moment. She’s taller, her long brunette hair cascading over the shoulders of a bright pink crop top that matches her vibrant energy. Her yoga pants hint at an active and entire life, much different from the little girl who used to follow me around. Now she was, well, I shouldn’t say this, but smoking hot.

“Hey, big bro!” she grins, jogging over to me. Her presence sparks a mix of pride and surprise inside me. “Look at you! It took you long enough to visit!”

I laugh, pulling her into a gentle hug. “I know, I know. I’m sorry it took so long. You’ve grown up so much.”

We spent the afternoon catching up with Kelly, who told me about her high school graduation, her college plans, and all her hopes for the future. It’s a lot to take in, but I hold onto every word. She’s bright, thoughtful, and full of dreams—so much like how I was at her age yet uniquely herself.

As dusk settles in, I notice Kelly’s absence. She’d gone inside earlier and hadn’t returned. Mom, looking a bit anxious, nudges me. “Could you check on Kelly? She’s been inside for a while.”

“Of course,” I say, heading toward the house.

I start downstairs, pushing the living room door open—no sign of her there. The soft hum of the TV playing in an empty room makes the space feel lonely. I peek into the kitchen, half-expecting to see her grabbing a snack, but only the leftovers on the counter greet me.

Climbing the stairs, I notice every creak beneath my feet, each sound a reminder of the years and stories these walls held. At the top, I pause, listening.

I heard moaning coming from the bathroom. As I approached the door and put my ear to the door, I could hear faint squelching and gasps. My heart beat so fast as I knew the lock hadn’t been working on this bathroom door in ages, from what Mom told me earlier. I slowly opened it a little to peek. OMG, Kelly was sitting on the toilet with the seat and lid down, her legs slightly up and parted as she was fingering her sweet sexy pussy.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her; she sat masturbating on the toilet, slowly panting, “Yes.. fuck yes.” Her yoga pants and knickers are only on one leg around her ankles.

I watched, feeling my cock twitch in my pants as I saw Kelly’s fingers moving in and out of her wet pussy, her juices glistening on her fingers with every stroke. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing – Kelly, my sister, fingering her pussy. Oh shit, my cock instantly went solid as a rock and was now strained against my jeans.

I gently took my cock out and started to stroke it as I watched her slowly. Her fingers moved faster and faster. “Ughh… Mmmm.” As I continued to watch Kelly, she became more and more lost in her pleasure. Her moans grew louder and more frequent, and her hips began to buck up and down as she fucked herself with her fingers.

I couldn’t take it anymore. My dick just wanted her, even though it’s wrong. She had her eyes closed with pleasure as her fingers darted in and out of her wet snatch. I sneaked in and took her fingers out of her pussy. As she opened her eyes in shock, I held her legs and slid my cock inside her.

“Oh fuck, oh dear god, what the… Brian! Mmmmm, mmmmm, ahhhh!” Her head rolls back, her eyes closed as she feels the thick, girthy intrusion of my throbbing cock sliding deep into her drenched pussy. A low, guttural moan escapes her lips as I begin to slowly and deliberately fuck her, relishing every single inch of her tight, wet depths. I can feel her tremble, feel her shudder, feel her gasp as I sink ever deeper, ever harder.

“I… I can’t, oh god, I… I can’t, ‘m, ugh, I can’t fucking believe this… oooh fuck, ah… this is my brother,” she mutters, panting and moaning through each savage thrust I deliver into her needy, willing cunt.

“Shut the fuck up, just feel me, just enjoy this. You know you want it; you fucking need this,” I command, gripping her thighs hard, spreading them wide as I drive deeper and deeper into her delicious, warm pussy, fucking her with all the strength and power I can muster. I see her eyes glaze over, lost in the sea of sensation, lost to the incredible pleasure that she can no longer deny she craves. I don’t stop, don’t slow, fuck her hard and fast.

I couldn’t believe what I was doing but couldn’t stop myself. I was fucking my 18-year-old sister. I started to fuck Kelly harder, my hips back and forth with my balls heavy and slapping against her ass as I drove my cock deeper inside her. She moaned louder and louder, her fingers clawing at the toilet seat as I fucked her. I could feel her pussy tightening around my cock, her juices flowing down my shaft and coating my balls.

“Yeah, you like that, don’t you?” I growled, grabbing her hips and pulling her closer to me. I started to fuck her even harder, my balls slapping against her ass with every thrust. Kelly’s moans grew louder and more frequent, her body shaking with every impact.

“Oh god, Brian, this feels so good,” Kelly says, breathless and moaning and whimpering as I continue to fuck her pussy.

I can’t believe I’m fucking my little sister, but I can’t deny the pleasure I’m feeling. I fuck Kelly harder and faster.

“I can stop if you want,” I said as I fully pumped my dick in and out of her swollen pussy, “But it’s better than your fingers.”

“No… No, please, D… don’t fucking stop,” she says as I slightly lift her crop top over one of her boobs. Shit, she’s not wearing a bra. I can’t help but marvel at her breast, large and firm with a pink, erect nipple standing at attention. Every thrust in her juicy pussy makes her breast bounce.

I start to fuck her harder, my hips slamming against hers as I lose myself in the moment. Kelly’s moans fill the bathroom, “Cum for me, sis. Cum all over my cock,” I growl, fucking her even harder,

“Fuck, you feel so good inside me,” Kelly gasps, her nails digging into my arms as I fuck her relentlessly. I can feel her pussy tightening around my cock, and I know I’m not going to last much longer.

I reach down and start to rub Kelly’s clit, feeling her orgasm build. She cries out as she comes, her pussy clenching around my cock.

Her trembling body writhes around my cock, her sweet nectar gushing out onto my shaft and the tiled floor beneath us. I can’t help but stare in amazement as she reaches her peak, her entire form quivering with ecstasy. I relentlessly pound her, my pelvis crashing into hers as I become consumed by the raw, sensual passion of the moment.

I pull out of her and cum all over her, my load firing across her body. She moans in pleasure as I cum, her body still shaking from her orgasm.

“Omg I… I can’t believe we just did that,” Kelly whispered, her voice barely above a breath.

“I know, I got carried away after catching you playing with yourself,” I said, pulling her close. “But it felt so good, didn’t it?”

She nodded, her eyes meeting mine. “It was… it was so good, damn not seen you in years, and this is what I get when you finally see us.”

Kelly and I did our best to tidy up, trying to hide any signs of the dirty fun we had just had. We dressed silently, catching each other’s gaze in the mirror as we fixed our clothes. A new bond had formed between us, a secret that would stay with us forever.

We made our way back outside. The sun was starting to dip below the horizon, and the garden was now lit with fairy lights. The scent of grilled meat still lingered in the air, and laughter and voices filled the night. It was as if nothing had happened, but everything had changed.


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