Drunk as fuck, sister takes her brother’s hard cock


It was a hot summer night when my brother Mike and I decided to have a few drinks together. We both felt reckless and before we knew it, we were hammered. The air was thick with the scent of blooming jasmine and the distant hum of cicadas, perfect for a night of carefree fun.

Mike, with his tousled dark hair and mischievous grin, had always been my partner in crime. His blue eyes sparkled with that familiar, devil-may-care glint. We sprawled out on the worn-out porch swing of our family’s old farmhouse, passing a bottle of whiskey back and forth, laughing about memories and dreams that felt as far away as the stars overhead.

“Remember that time we snuck into the old drive-in?” Mike asked, slurring his words.

I giggled, nodding. “How could I forget? You nearly broke your ankle climbing the fence.”

We laughed until our sides ached, the laughter that only comes from shared histories and deep bonds. As the night grew darker, our laughter became soft, murmured conversations about life, love, and everything in between.

The farmhouse was quiet without our parents; they had gone away for the weekend. The freedom was exhilarating, and the house felt like it belonged to us alone. We decided to move inside, the screen door creaking as we stumbled through it. The kitchen light cast a warm, golden glow, and the old wooden floors creaked under our weight.

Ever the instigator, Mike rummaged through the cupboards and found a deck of cards. “Let’s play something,” he said, his grin widening.

“What, like poker?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, but let’s make it interesting,” he suggested, a mischievous glint in his eye.

I knew better than to ask for details. Mike’s “interesting” usually meant something outrageous. We settled down at the kitchen table, the cards between us. The game started innocently, but as the night wore on and the alcohol flowed, our bets became more daring.

We eventually abandoned the game and moved to the living room, collapsing onto the old, comfortable couch. The room was filled with memories of family gatherings, holidays, and quiet evenings. Tonight, it felt like our private sanctuary.

Mike played music, and the familiar tunes filled the space around us. We sang along, our voices blending, sometimes harmonizing, clashing. The world outside seemed to disappear, leaving us in our little bubble of joy.

As the night grew late, our energy began to wane. We found ourselves lying on the living room floor, staring at the ceiling. The excellent wood beneath me felt grounding, a stark contrast to the haze in my head.

“Do you ever wonder what life will be like in ten years?” Mike asked, his voice soft and thoughtful.

“Sometimes,” I admitted, turning my head to look at him. His face was serious, a rare sight for my usually carefree brother.

“I hope we always have nights like this,” he said, his eyes meeting mine.

“Me too,” I whispered, feeling affection for him.

We lay there in silence, the music playing softly in the background. The night, we had a way of making everything feel more profound, more real. I knew that moments like these were fleeting, but that made them so precious.

Eventually, the alcohol took its toll, and I started talking about my ex, which was still a sore subject.

“Do you ever think about him?” Mike asked cautiously.

“All the time,” I confessed, my voice tinged with regret and sadness. “He was everything I thought I wanted.”

Mike turned on his side to face me, his expression serious. “You deserve better than someone who couldn’t see how amazing you are.”

I looked at him, tears stinging my eyes. “I know, but it’s hard to forget.”

Mike reached out, squeezing my hand. “You’ll get through this. We always do, right?”

I nodded, grateful for his support. “Yeah, we do.”

The conversation shifted to lighter topics, and soon we were back to laughing and reminiscing. But the mention of my ex had stirred up emotions I had tried to bury. As the night wore on, I found myself opening up to Mike in a way I hadn’t in a long time.

“I just don’t know if I’ll ever find someone like him again,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

Mike shook his head. “Don’t look for someone like him. Look for someone better. Someone who’ll treat you the way you deserve to be treated.”

I smiled through my tears, appreciating his words. “Thanks, Mike. You always know what to say.”

“Hey, that’s what brothers are for,” he said, pulling me into a hug. I was feeling very emotional and vulnerable.

The more we drank, the closer we felt. The alcohol blurred the lines, making everything feel more intense and real. Mike and I had always been close, but tonight, something felt different.

We lay there on the living room floor, the world outside fading into the background. The cool wood beneath us was a grounding contrast to the warm haze in my head. Mike’s presence next to me felt like a lifeline, a connection I hadn’t realized I needed so badly.

“Remember when we used to camp out in the backyard?” Mike asked, his voice soft, almost a whisper.

I nodded, smiling at the memory. “We thought we were so brave, staying out there all night.”

“We were brave,” he insisted, turning his head to look at me. “Braver than most kids our age.”

We laughed, the sound soft and intimate in the quiet room. Our conversation drifted, touching on memories and dreams, fears and hopes. The alcohol made everything feel more profound, more significant.

At some point, Mike moved closer, his hand brushing against mine. It was a small gesture, but it sent a jolt of electricity through me. I looked at him, and for a moment, I saw something in his eyes that I hadn’t noticed before—a depth of feeling, a vulnerability that mirrored my own.

“Do you ever think about what it would be like if things were different?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

I knew what he meant but wasn’t sure how to respond. The alcohol made it hard to think clearly, to separate my feelings from the haze in my mind. But at that moment, I didn’t want to consider it. I just wanted to feel.

“I do,” I admitted, my voice soft. “Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if we weren’t just brother and sister.”

Mike’s hand tightened around mine, his eyes locked on mine. “Me too,” he said, his voice thick with emotion.

There was a moment of silence, the air between us charged with unspoken words and feelings. Then, slowly, Mike leaned in, his lips brushing against mine. It was a gentle kiss, tentative and soft, but it sent a wave of heat through me.

I kissed him back, my heart pounding in my chest. The world around us seemed to disappear, leaving just the two of us in our little bubble of intimacy. It felt right, in a way I couldn’t explain. It was as if all the years of closeness and shared history had led up to this moment.

We pulled back, our breaths mingling in the space between us. Mike’s eyes were filled with a mix of desire and uncertainty, mirroring my own feelings.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

I nodded, my heart racing. “Yes,” I said, my voice steady. “I’ve never been more sure about anything.”

With that, we kissed again, the intensity building as we lost ourselves. The night stretched, and our boundaries dissolved in the warmth of our embrace. We explored each other with a mixture of tenderness and urgency, the alcohol amplifying every touch and kiss.

Once filled with the echoes of our laughter and memories, the farmhouse now held a new memory—one of a night when we crossed a line, driven by a connection that went beyond words. As the dawn approached, we lay together, our bodies entwined, the weight of what had happened settling in.

But at that moment, I didn’t care about the consequences. All I knew was that I had never felt closer to Mike than I did now, and that was enough.

We kissed again, this time deeper, and I felt his hand reaching up my nightie. I looked into his eyes and said, “Fuck me, Mike, please,” I couldn’t believe what I just said. Moments later, that is precisely what we ended up doing.

“Oh my fucking god, I can’t believe you filthy, perverted fucker,” I moaned, my soaked panties clinging to my dripping cunt lips as my brother’s massive, throbbing dick demanded entry. I was hammered out of my mind, dizzy, and fucking reeling, but there was no denying the raw, animalistic lust that consumed me as Mike’s cock plunged deep inside my tight, wet pussy. Watching him as my panties rubbed against his shaft as he fucked me harder and harder, each thrust causing my body to shudder with pleasure.

“Fuck, you’re so fucking tight,” Mike grunted, his hands gripping my hips as he slammed his cock into me. “I can’t believe I’m fucking my sister like this.”

“I don’t care,” I gasped, my tits bouncing with each thrust. “Fuck me harder, harder, harder.”

“Fuck, you dirty bitch,” he grunted, his balls smacking against my clit as he ravaged me with a vicious, unforgiving intensity. “Goddamn, your tight, wet cunt feels so fucking good around my throbbing cock,” he panted, his greedy hands groping my tits as I moaned and writhed beneath him. The sloppy, wet noises of our fucking rang through the room, each thrust of his hips punctuated by a filthy, vulgar groan.

I could barely speak, my voice barely above a whimper as he rammed into me with an almost brutal intensity. My body shook with each powerful thrust, a mixture of pleasure and shock coursing through me.

“Fuck, yes, just like that,” I moaned, my pussy spasming around his shaft as he hit that sweet spot again and again. “Harder, harder, oh god, fuck me harder…” I begged, my words lost in filthy moans and gasps.

The scent of sweat and sex filled the room, mixing with the lingering jasmine and cicada song. Mike’s thrusts grew more erratic, his grunts louder and more guttural. I felt his cock swell inside me, the head pressing against my cervix.

“Ugh, I’m gonna cum,” he groaned, his fingers digging into my hips.

“Yes, oh god… yes, YES! Take me, just fucking fuck me, ugh… Fucking hell Mike!” I cried out, my voice trembling with pleasure as I felt his cock driving more profound and harder into my dripping wet pussy. Every thrust sent waves of ecstasy coursing through my body, my moans growing louder and more desperate as he claimed me with a ruthless intensity that left me begging for more.

My pussy clenched around him, savouring every inch of his thick, hard cock, as he filled me up and fucked me with a primal intensity that made me feel like his possession. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge with each brutal thrust, my moans growing more ragged and intense as I surrendered myself to the sheer pleasure of his cock fucking me relentlessly. I was lost in a haze of pleasure, my mind consumed by the exquisite sensation of his cock pounding into me, leaving me no choice but to submit to the overwhelming intensity of my orgasm.

“Oh god, yes, YES! I’m cumming, I’m cumming, oh FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!” I screamed, my voice raw with pleasure as I felt myself exploding with ecstasy, my pussy clenching around his cock in a series of intense spasms that left me gasping for breath.

I could feel myself drowning in the sheer pleasure of my orgasm, my mind blank with bliss as I surrendered myself to the waves of pleasure that washed over me. And as my orgasm subsided, I felt myself collapsing in a boneless heap, my body spent and satisfied from the intense fucking I had just received from Mike’s cock. But even though I squirted my juices over his dick, he was still giving my pussy a good fucking.

With a final, powerful thrust, Mike buried himself deep inside me, his cock twitching as he released a torrent of hot, sticky cum. I felt it flood my pussy, coating my insides and dripping out around his shaft.

“Ungh,” he groaned, collapsing on top of me.

We lay there, panting and sweating, our bodies still entwined. The room was silent, except for our heavy breathing and the distant hum of cicadas.

“Fuck, that was intense,” Mike whispered, his lips brushing against my ear.

“Yeah, it was,” I agreed, a lazy smile on my face.

We lay there for a while longer, basking in the afterglow of our illicit encounter. Eventually, we untangled ourselves and cleaned up. The night we had was a wild, reckless adventure that we would never forget.

As we crawled into bed, Mike pulled me close, his arm wrapping around me. “I love you, sis,” he whispered, his breath warm against my neck.

“I love you too, Mike,” I replied, my heart swelling with affection.

And with that, we drifted off to sleep, our dreams filled with the memories of a night that had pushed the boundaries of our relationship and left us with a deeper, more profound connection.

The following day, we woke up with guilt and excitement. We knew what we had done was wrong, but we couldn’t deny the intensity of our feelings for each other.

We went about our day, pretending that nothing had happened. But now and then, we would catch each other’s eyes and share a secret smile, a reminder of the night that had changed everything.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, we continued to navigate our new reality. It wasn’t always easy, but we were committed to making it work.

We never spoke about that night again, but it remained a secret, unspoken bond between us—a reminder of the depth of our connection and the lengths we would go to for each other.

As the years passed and life took us on our separate journeys, we never forgot that night. It remained a symbol of our love, loyalty, and unbreakable bond.


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