At The Cabin – Father and Son Spitroast Daughter sex story

The dawn chorus was my alarm clock, its melodies sneaking through the curtains and pulling me from the depths of sleep. At 18, I was slim and had 32c tits and had a high sex drive. I got out of bed, stretching my slim body and feeling the familiar ache between my thighs.

As I turned to make my way to the shower, I accidentally knocked my trusty dildo onto the floor. ‘Oh, I forgot about that,’ I chuckled to myself, remembering how I had used it last night while watching threesome sex videos on I had a fetish for threesomes, but I was too shy to try and find people to indulge me. I also watched all kinds of taboo porn which always made me horny, even though it was step porn, what happened today was beyond that. I picked it up and put it on my night stand.

I step into the steaming shower, letting the hot water run down my body, soothing my tense muscles. I reach up and run my hands through my long, wet hair, letting out a content sigh as I tilt my head back, letting the water wash over my face. I grab the body wash and lather up my skin, feeling the suds slide over my curves and the soft skin of my 32C breasts.

I then grab my razor and begin shaving my pussy, the smooth skin of my mound feeling so soft and sensitive under my touch. I take my time, making sure to get every little hair, enjoying the feeling of the razor gliding over my skin. Once I’m done, I rinse off, feeling the warm water run down my clean, smooth pussy. I step out of the shower, feeling refreshed and ready for whatever the night has in store.

After stepping out of the shower, I wrap myself in a plush towel and make my way to my room. I stand in front of my closet, deliberating on what to wear for the weekend at the cabin with my brother Matty and Dad. I want to look stylish yet still comfortable for our hikes and activities. I finally decided on a black lace bra and thong set, paired with a fitted black blouse and tight jeans.

I slip on a pair of ankle boots, adding an extra edge to my outfit. I pack a few more outfits for the weekend, including a cosy sweater and leggings for lounging by the fire and my short nightie. As I pack my bag, I catch a glimpse of my dildo on my nightstand. I can’t help but smile, throwing it into my bag just in case I have some alone time in the cabin. I take one last look in the mirror, making sure everything is in place, before heading out the door.

I stretched, feeling the muscles in my body loosen up after a long hot shower. My thoughts drifted to the weekend ahead, spending time with my family at the cabin. Matty, my 25-year-old brother, always the adventurer and trailblazer, someone I’ve always looked up to. And then there’s Dad, solid and dependable at 50, a beacon of wisdom and strength that I always turn to for guidance. I couldn’t wait to spend the three days with them, enjoying the great outdoors and creating memories that would last a lifetime.

“We’re going to have a fantastic time, just wait,” Dad’s voice echoed through the house, his excitement contagious as we rushed to prepare.

The journey to the cabin was a whirlwind of joy and breathtaking landscapes, with Dad recounting stories and aspirations. “It’s not about the location, but the people we’re with,” he’d say, a smile in his tone.

As the car came to a halt in front of the cabin, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, a shared wonder filled the car. We had finally arrived, at our private sanctuary, ready to create memories.

Stepping outside, I inhaled the crisp, pine-scented air, feeling a sense of tranquillity wash over me. “This is ideal,” I whispered, mostly to myself.

Matty chuckled, throwing an arm around my shoulder. “Just wait until you see what I’ve planned for tonight,” he teased, a twinkle in his eye.

The cabin, with its warm wooden interior and the comforting crackle of the fireplace, welcomed us. It was a place out of time, a sanctuary where we could be ourselves without the burden of the outside world.

After a satisfying dinner, Dad, with a playful grin, suggested, “Why don’t we liven things up with some games?” His proposal was met with laughter and cheers, the perfect start to our night of bonding.

I went to change in my room, taking off my jeans and blouse, followed by my bra and panties. I always slept in just a nightgown and nothing underneath. I noticed my nightgown was a bit short, so I had to be careful when sitting in front of them. I put on my nightgown and went to join Dad and Matty.

As the evening progressed, the laughter grew louder, and the drinks flowed more freely. “I can’t remember the last time we had this much fun,” I said, the warmth of the moment making me feel light and carefree.

Matty raised his glass, a glint of joy in his eyes. “To family, to laughter, and nights we’ll never forget,” he toasted, encapsulating the magic of our weekend in a few heartfelt words.

I saw Matty adjusting his crotch, something seemed to be strained against his pants. “Omg, what are you doing, I don’t want to see my brother fiddling with himself,” I said, as he just stared up my nightie. He then pointed something out, “Oh, am… erm, you might want to close your legs, damn you shave,” oh shit, he could see up my nightie, and the way he was messing with his cock meant he could see more than just my legs.

I got up to go to bed, I whispered to him, “Bet you would love to fuck my pussy wouldn’t you,” I said, my voice husky with desire. His jaw dropped in surprise, but I could see the heat in his eyes.

I went to my room and I reached for my bag, pulling out my trusty dildo. The drink always made me horny, and tonight I was just too damn turned on. I slipped my nightie off, revealing my bare skin smooth and glowing in the moonlight streaming through the window.

My hand moved down between my legs, the touch sending shivers of pleasure through my body. I closed my eyes and let my imagination run wild, picturing two strong men sharing me and their cocks deep inside me. I imagined sucking a big dick while the other pounded me from behind. I so would love a threesome right about now. I continued to visualize this in my mind as I thrust my pussy with my dildo, my moans growing louder with each thrust.

But then I had a filthy idea. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of my soaking wet pussy, thinking of sending it to Matty. It was a risky move, but the thought of him seeing me like this turned me on even more.

I texted Matty, Attaching the image of my pussy with a message, ‘Come to my room,’ and I waited, my heart racing with anticipation.

A few moments later, there was a knock on my door. I started rubbing my clit and shouted, “Come in.” I didn’t care anymore that he saw me naked and fingering myself. I closed my eyes as my fingers worked my pussy deep.

The bed shifted as Matty sat down next to me. I could sense his eyes on me, and it only made me more aroused. I continued to rub myself, my moans growing louder.

As Matty entered my room, his eyes widened in shock at the sight of me pleasuring myself. I could feel his gaze on my exposed body, I didn’t have any underwear on, and my nightgown was hiked up revealing my wet pussy. But I didn’t stop. Instead, I continued to move my fingers in and out of my wetness, my moans growing louder with each passing second. I was so fucking turned on, and I wanted Matty to see me like this.

Matty sat there, frozen for a moment, before he finally spoke up. “Fuck, sis,” he said, his voice low and husky.

“You’re so fucking sexy.” I couldn’t help the excitement in my voice as I replied, “So, you like what you see?” Matty nodded, his gaze intense and hungry.

“Fuck yeah, I do,” he said. I couldn’t help myself as I continued to pleasure myself in front of him, my moans growing louder.

“Holy shit, what are you doing?” he asked, his voice shaking with desire.

“I’m just…taking care of myself,” I replied, my voice dripping with need.

Matty’s eyes scanned every inch of my exposed body, and I could see the desire in his gaze. I knew he wanted me, just as much as I wanted him. And I couldn’t resist the temptation any longer.

“Ah, it feels so good,” I said, pulling my fingers out of my wet pussy and placing his hand on my clit.

We both moaned as he began to rub me, his expert touch sending waves of pleasure through my body. I couldn’t believe this was happening, but I didn’t want it to stop. Matty leaned down, his lips finding mine in a hungry kiss as he continued to rub me. I could feel the bulge in his pants pressing against me, and I wanted more.

We were interrupted by a knock on the door, and we quickly broke apart, trying to fix our dishevelled appearance. But it was too late. Our dad walked into the room, a look of shock on his face.

“What the fucking hell is going on here?” he demanded, his voice shaking with anger as Matty quickly moved his hand from my pussy.

Matty and I looked at each other, unsure of what to say. But then I had an idea. I knew my dad had always been open-minded and adventurous, and I was desperate for a threesome. Maybe this was my chance.

“Please, Dad, I… I… I am just you know horny,” I pleaded, my voice shaking with desire as I rubbed my pussy in front of him.

“Ah Dad Mmm, I know this is wrong, but I want it I am so horny right now. I want both of you. I know you want it, your cock is hard too I can see, it’s ok honest I want it.” He could see me rubbing my cunt on my bed.

Dad’s eyes widened, and I could see the desire and conflict in them. He looked at Matty, then back at me.

“Fuck it,” he said as he started to undo his belt as he looked at Matty, “well come on son, let’s not keep your sister waiting.”

As Dad pulled off his pants and his cock sprung free, Matty’s eyes widened with anticipation. He quickly undressed as well, revealing his hard and throbbing cock.

Dad climbed onto the bed while stroking his hard cock, he stared at my pussy for a while. “See Dad, am a big girl now, and yes I know I shave my pussy,” I got on all fours on the bed and put my hand around his hard shaft.

I slowly stroked my hand up and down his shaft feeling the thickness. I then slowly lowered my mouth down on his cock as I felt Matty shift behind me, I could feel his cock rubbing up and down my wet slit as my head bobbed up and down on my dad’s dick.

I could feel Matty’s cock pressing against my pussy opening, seeking permission to enter. I was dripping wet, my pussy begging for attention. I moaned around Dad’s cock as Matty pushed it deep inside me “Ahhh,” I let out a moan.

I pushed back against Matty, feeling his cock deep in my pussy, the sensation of him inside me making me gasp with pleasure. My body moved in time with his thrusts, while still sucking on Dad’s cock.

The feeling of both of them inside me, filling me up, was almost too much to bear. I always wanted a threesome just didn’t think I would be spitroasted by my Dad and big brother.

“Yes, baby, just like that ooh sweetie that feels so good,” Dad groaned, his hands gripping my hair as he guided my movements. “You like this, don’t you? You like feeling both of us inside you?”

“Yes, Daddy, yes,” I moaned, my voice muffled by Dad’s cock.

“It feels so good, Lily your pussy, oh shit, I can’t believe this is happening,” Matty said as he kept thrusting into me from behind. As I felt every thrust and he slams his cock into me.

“Don’t stop, please don’t stop, please… Ahh Matt, mmmm,” I said and I then continued to bob my head up and down faster. The sound of his balls slamming against me as he fucked me harder.

Matty’s thrusts grew more urgent, his balls slapping against my clit with each stroke. I could feel myself on the brink, my moans growing louder and more desperate. “Yes, Matty! Just like that! Don’t stop!” I cried out, my fingers digging into the sheets beneath me.

Dad, too, was nearing his limit. His grip on my hair tightened, and his hips bucked as he drove his cock deeper into my mouth as my lips sealed around his shaft. “Fuck, Lily! You’re so fucking good, you don’t get your skills from your mom that is for sure!” he groaned, his voice strained with pleasure.

As I felt myself tumbling over the edge, my orgasm consumed me. I cried out in ecstasy, my whole body shuddering with the sheer intensity of it. Matty continued to pound into me, harder and faster, his own groans matching mine.

Just before either of them could cum I took Dad out of my mouth and pulled away from Matty’s cock. I turned around and started to suck Matty now. Dad looking confused, I stopped sucking and turned my head to dad.

His cock glistened with my saliva from the sucking I gave him, I whispered, “Please, Daddy, I want you inside me too.” He didn’t hesitate, positioning himself behind me and guiding his cock to my soaking cunt. I then turned back around and popped Matt’s cock back into my mouth and sucked him with determination.

Dad found a steady rhythm, his hips slamming against my ass as he drove his cock deep inside me. I could feel my ass cheeks jiggle with each thrust, the sound of his hips crashing against my flesh filling the room. Matty’s thrusts, too, became more urgent, his cock hitting the back of my throat with each stroke.

“Oh, fuck, Ahhh Lily, you feel so good,” Dad groaned, his hands gripping my hips as he fucked me harder. “I can’t believe I’m doing this with my daughter, I shouldn’t but it feels so fucking good.”

My hand went between my legs, rubbing my clit with fervour as he continued to pound into me. My free hand reached up, grabbing one of his hands and placing it around one of my tits, squeezing and kneading it as he fucked me. The sensation of his cock deep inside me, his hands on my body, and the feeling of my fingers on my clit was overwhelming, and I could feel myself on the brink of an intense orgasm.

“Don’t stop, Dad, don’t stop, please… mmm… keep going,” I moaned, my voice hoarse with pleasure. “Ahhh that’s so good dad, oh fuck..”

Dad’s thrusts became even more urgent, his hips slamming into me with a primal force. Matty’s thrusts, too, became more frenzied, his cock hitting the back of my throat with each stroke. I could feel myself on the edge, my orgasm building with each thrust, each touch, each moan.

As Dad and Matty continued to thrust into me with a primal intensity, I felt a wave of pleasure washing over me, igniting every nerve ending in my body. The sensation of being filled by both of them simultaneously sent me into a frenzy of desire and ecstasy.

I moaned and writhed between them, my body responding eagerly to their every touch and movement. Dad’s cock plunged into my wetness, while Matty’s hardness slid in and out of my mouth, creating a symphony of pleasure that reverberated through me.

The room was filled with the sounds of our combined moans and the wet, rhythmic slaps of flesh meeting flesh. I felt a delicious ache building deep within me, aching for release, desperate for the culmination of our taboo tryst.

“Daddy, Matty, don’t stop, please don’t stop god my pussy oh your so good at this,” I cried out between gasps and moans, my voice laced with desire and need.

“Ahh fuck, Mmmm, I should hope I am… I am good, shit oh fuck, I produced you two didn’t I,” he said as he started to really go at me with is pounding getting very intense.

So intense I had to stop sucking Matt’s cock for a second, I jerked him off as dad gripped my arse cheeks tight and slammed hard and harder. “Ahhhhh, ahhhhhh, ohhhh fuuuuck, ah ah… ahhhh,” I was not sure how much my pussy could take my dad’s length any longer.

The sensation of being taken by both of them simultaneously was overwhelming, pushing me to the edge of blissful oblivion.

Dad’s grip on my arse cheeks tightened, his thrusts becoming more urgent and demanding. Matty’s cock in my mouth throbbed with anticipation.

I could feel the tension coiling within me, the pleasure building to an unbearable peak. Every thrust, every touch, every sensation pushed me closer to the edge of release, to the brink of ecstasy.

And then, with a final, desperate thrust, Dad’s cock plunged deep inside me, filling me to the brim with his warmth. I felt his hot cum flood my pussy, mixing with my own wetness and creating a decadent, sensual pool of pleasure.

At the same time, Matty’s cock erupted in my mouth, the taste of his salty, tangy release filling my senses. I swallowed every drop, savouring the taste of his pleasure as he groaned in ecstasy.

As the last drops of cum spilt from Matty’s cock, I pulled away, a satisfied smile on my face. My body was spent, but my mind was alive with the thrill of our illicit encounter.

“Arghhhh,” my dad pulled out of me, his cock still slick with our combined lust. His gaze met mine, a mix of guilt and satisfaction swirling in his eyes. “I can’t believe we just did that,” he murmured, his voice thick with disbelief and awe.

Matty, too, looked dazed, his chest rising and falling as he struggled to catch his breath. “That was…incredible,” he panted, his eyes wide with amazement.

Our bodies intertwined, our breaths gradually slowing as we basked in the afterglow. The room was heavy with the musk of sex and the soft sounds of our contented sighs.

“I…I don’t know what to say,” my dad stammered, his voice cracking with emotion. “I never thought…I never imagined…”

“It’s okay, Dad,” I soothed him, my hand reaching up to caress his cheek. “I wanted it, and I know you did too. It was wrong, but it felt so fucking right.”

Matty nodded, his hand finding mine. “I never thought I’d get to do something like this with you,” he whispered, his voice brimming with gratitude and affection.

“Fuck, I’m spent,” I confessed, a satisfied grin spreading across my face. Yeah, I finally got the threesome I’d always fantasized about – just didn’t expect it to be with my own family.


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