A Wild Night Threesome with My Son’s Friends

As the first rays of dawn crept through the curtains, casting a soft, warm glow across my bedroom, I welcomed the new day. The house was enveloped in a serene quietude, the kind that only early mornings can offer. Slowly, I slid out of the sheets, feeling the cool morning air against my skin.

In the solitude of my room, I undressed, the routine motions familiar and grounding. The fabric of my nightwear slipped away, leaving me bare to the quiet morning. Stepping into the shower, I welcomed the cascade of warm water, a comforting embrace that signalled the start of the day. The water streamed over me, rinsing away the remnants of sleep. I lathered shampoo into my hair and bathed, lost in the sensory experience, the steam and warmth enveloping me in a private cocoon.

After my shower, I wrapped a towel around myself, the fabric soft and plush against my skin. Walking back to my bedroom, I felt refreshed and rejuvenated. The act of drying off and dressing was almost meditative. I dried off my body with my towel starting with my legs and making my way up to my pussy. When drying my pussy I got tingles, I thought to myself it has been years since a man has been inside me, and I kind of miss it. I finished drying and dried my big boobs.

I chose my attire for the day with care – a white blouse and jeans with black panties – a combination that was both comfortable and subtly stylish. At 50, I found joy in these simple acts of self-care, in the grace of ageing with a sense of confidence and self-acceptance. I never wore bras since I was always more comfortable without them.

Descending the stairs to the kitchen, I moved into the quiet comfort of my home. The familiar, cosy environment greeted me, a space where I found solace and strength in solitude. The ritual of making breakfast, especially the brewing of coffee, was a cherished part of my morning. The aroma filled the air, a signal that the day had truly begun.

With my coffee in hand, I sat by the window, watching the world awaken. The stillness of the morning allowed me to savour these moments of solitude. It was Friday – a day without pressing obligations, a day that held the promise of relaxation and reflection. Little did I know, that it would unfold in unexpected ways, bringing with it moments of joy, introspection, and revelations that I hadn’t anticipated.

Morning Routines and College Preparations

The kitchen, filled with the early light of Friday morning, was my sanctuary as I began the familiar ritual of making breakfast. The sizzling sound of eggs in the pan mingled with the rich aroma of brewing coffee, creating a sense of homely warmth. I was lost in the rhythm of my morning routine when I heard the familiar creak of the stairs.

“Morning, Mom,” Adam’s voice, still heavy with sleep, broke the silence.

I turned with a smile. “Good morning. I wasn’t expecting you up this early on a Friday.”

He poured himself a cup of coffee, the steam rising like a gentle mist. “Yeah, got an early start at college today. Group project work.”

I raised my eyebrows in a mock surprise. “That’s dedication. I’m impressed.”

He chuckled, taking a cautious sip. “It’s for that big end-of-semester project. We’re trying to get ahead of the deadline.”

I served the breakfast, feeling a swirl of pride and nostalgia. Adam was no longer the little boy who needed coaxing to do his homework. “Eat up. You’ll need the energy.”

He nodded appreciatively, tucking into his meal. The kitchen was filled with the comforting sound of our morning banter, the clinking of cutlery, and the occasional laugh.

As breakfast wound down, Adam prepared to leave. “I’ll be back later, Mom. Might hang out with Kyle and Steve after.”

“Sounds like a plan. Have a good day, and don’t rush,” I said, watching him gather his things.

“Will do. See you tonight, Mom,” he said, heading out the door with a youthful bounce in his step.

After he left, the house fell back into its quiet rhythm. I cleaned up, my mind already on his return. Little did I know that this Friday would take an unexpected turn, altering our usual routine and bringing new dynamics into our quiet home.

The Return and Celebratory Plans

The day unwound in its usual, quiet cadence until the afternoon brought a change. The front door opened with more than just the familiar creak – it heralded Adam’s arrival, accompanied by a buoyant energy.

“I’ve got great news, Mom!” Adam burst into the kitchen, his face alight with excitement. “I aced my project! The grades just came in, and I passed with flying colours!”

The joy in his voice was contagious, and I felt a swell of pride. “That’s wonderful, Adam! Your hard work really paid off,” I responded, my heart brimming with happiness for him.

He beamed, then added, “To celebrate, I thought of inviting Kyle and Steve over for the evening, if that’s okay with you?”

“Of course, it’s more than okay,” I assured him, already thinking of ways to mark the occasion. “In fact, why don’t you three go out and grab some drinks and snacks? My treat. Let’s make this a proper celebration.”

Adam’s eyes widened in surprise and delight. “Really? Thanks, Mom! That would be awesome!”

Just then, Kyle and Steve entered, both wearing grins as wide as Adam’s. “Heard the good news, Mrs. Thompson,” Kyle said, his voice full of genuine admiration for his friend.

“Yeah, Adam really deserves a celebration,” added Steve, his usually reserved demeanour softened by the festive mood.

I couldn’t help but smile at their enthusiasm. “Well, I’m giving Adam some money to go out and buy what you need for tonight. And please, call me Carol.”

Their thanks and excited chatter filled the room as they discussed what to get for the evening. Watching them, I was struck by how much they had grown, no longer the little boys from the neighbourhood but young men with their own dreams and achievements.

“Have fun, boys. But not too much fun,” I joked, handing Adam the money.

“Thanks, Mom. We’ll be back soon!” Adam called out as they left, the promise of a celebratory evening ahead.

Standing in the now quiet house, I felt a mix of emotions. There was joy for Adam’s achievement, a touch of nostalgia for the days gone by, and a curious anticipation for the evening’s celebration. This Friday was turning out to be anything but ordinary, and I found myself looking forward to the festivities and the unexpected pleasures they might bring.

Preparing for Celebration

After the boys left, the house fell into a brief silence, a stark contrast to the burst of energy and excitement that had just filled it. I took a moment to savour the quiet, thinking about Adam’s accomplishment and the impromptu celebration ahead. There was a lightness in my heart, a joy in seeing my son’s happiness and success.

I decided to get busy, preparing for their return. I set about tidying up the living room, fluffing the cushions on the sofa, and clearing the coffee table to make space for the snacks and drinks they would bring. The evening promised to be lively, and I wanted everything to be perfect for Adam and his friends.

As I moved around, arranging and rearranging things, my mind wandered. It had been a long time since we had any kind of celebration in the house. Adam’s growing independence and busy college life meant that moments like these were rare. I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of nostalgia for the days when he was younger when the house was often filled with his laughter and the sounds of his mischief.

I also realized how much I missed having company. The silence in the house, often a comforting companion, now echoed with a sense of loneliness. I shook off the feeling, reminding myself that tonight was about celebration and joy. But I do miss the company of a man, and not just love but in a sexual way, a woman as needs too.

Once the living room was set, I moved to the kitchen to prepare some snacks. I decided on a mix of easy finger foods – something they could enjoy without much fuss. As I chopped and arranged, I found myself smiling, anticipating the laughter and stories that would soon fill the house again.

In the midst of my preparations, I paused, a thought crossing my mind. It had been ages since I had interacted with Adam’s friends as more than just a passing figure in their lives. Tonight would be different. It would be an opportunity to see them as the young adults they had become, to learn about their lives, and their hopes, and perhaps, to share a bit of my own wisdom gained through the years.

As the evening light began to fade, giving way to the soft glow of the house lights, I felt ready. The snacks were laid out, the living room inviting, and my heart open to the new experiences the night might bring.

An Evening of Laughter and Unexpected Flirtation

As the evening unfolded, Adam, Kyle, and Steve returned, their arms laden with snacks and an assortment of drinks. The lively banter and laughter they brought with them filled the house, a stark contrast to its usual quietude.

“Seems like you boys are planning quite the party,” I remarked, helping them lay out the bounty on the living room table.

Adam chuckled, “Well, it’s not every day we get to celebrate like this!”

The living room buzzed with energy as they settled in, sharing stories and jokes. I joined them, sipping my wine, enjoying their youthful exuberance. The conversation flowed effortlessly, covering college life, future aspirations, and lighthearted anecdotes.

As the night wore on and Adam excused himself to bed, slightly tipsy, the atmosphere shifted subtly. Left in the company of Kyle and Steve, I noticed a change in dynamics. Their playful banter and easy laughter continued, but now there was a different undercurrent to our interaction.

In a moment of boldness, perhaps encouraged by the wine, I found myself engaging in light, flirtatious banter. “What are you young men doing spending your Friday night with an older lady like me?” I teased with a smile. “Shouldn’t you be out there with girls your own age?”

Kyle laughed, his eyes twinkling. “Well, Carol, not every ‘older lady’ is as cool as you. Plus, this beats any college party.”

Steve nodded in agreement, a sly grin on his face. “Yeah, it’s not just about age, right? It’s about the company. And tonight, we’ve got the best company.”

Their responses, playful yet sincere, sent a flutter of excitement through me. It was a feeling I hadn’t experienced in a long time, a reminder of my femininity and appeal that had been dormant for years. The conversation continued, now laced with a new, subtle thrill. It was an unexpected turn in the evening, one that brought with it a sense of flattery and a rediscovery of a part of myself I had almost forgotten.

As the night deepened, I found myself enjoying the company and the newfound attention. It was a reminder that life could still hold surprises, that there was still room for fun and a little harmless flirtation, even in the most unexpected of circumstances.


The evening took a turn into uncharted territory as Adam retreated to his room, leaving me with Kyle and Steve in the living room. The air was thick with playful energy, a stark contrast to the typical quiet of my Friday nights.

Kyle, with a mischievous glint in his eye, leaned in slightly. “Carol, I’ve got to say, we never realized how stunning you are. It’s like seeing you for the first time.”

I felt a rush of flattery, my cheeks warming with a blush. “Oh, stop it, Kyle. You’re going to make me think I missed my calling as a movie star,” I joked, sipping my wine with a playful smile.

Steve, not to be outdone, joined in. “He’s right, though. It’s not just about looks. You’ve got this… vibe. It’s pretty amazing.”

The compliments were flattering, and I found myself enjoying the attention, a feeling I hadn’t experienced in quite some time. “Well, you boys are quite the charmers. Are you sure you’re not trying to sweet-talk me into more snacks?” I teased the atmosphere light and filled with laughter.

As the night progressed, our conversation danced between playful banter and subtle flirtations. There were moments when our eyes would lock, and I’d feel a jolt of something exciting and a little daring.

“You know, Carol, if I were a bit older, or you a bit younger…” Kyle started, his voice trailing off suggestively.

I laughed, feeling bold and carefree. “Well, you both are old enough, I’d say, old enough to do much more if you get me,” I replied, the words more daring than I had intended.

Their laughter echoed mine, and for a moment, the age difference seemed to dissolve, leaving just the thrill of the conversation and the night.

As we talked, they moved closer, the physical space between us diminishing. I found myself sandwiched between them, the warmth of their presence surprisingly comforting. The conversation slowed, and a charged silence fell over us.

Then, almost in unison, their hands found their way to my legs, resting gently. The touch was electrifying, yet filled with a tenderness that took me by surprise. I looked at them, my heart racing, a mix of flattery and compassion in my eyes. The air was thick with unspoken possibilities, the night poised on the edge of something new and entirely unexpected.

Crossing Boundaries

The touch of their hands on my legs was gentle yet deliberate, stirring a mix of emotions within me. For a moment, time seemed to stand still in the living room, filled with the soft glow of the lamps and the quiet hum of the night outside.

Kyle’s voice broke the silence, his words laced with a hint of curiosity and boldness. “Carol, have you ever thought about… you know, being with someone younger?”

The question hung in the air, charged with implications. I felt a flutter in my stomach, a combination of nervousness and excitement. “I can’t say the thought has crossed my mind,” I replied, my voice a soft whisper, betraying the intrigue his question had sparked.

Steve’s hand on my other leg shifted slightly, his touch sending a warm thrill through me. “Maybe it’s something worth thinking about,” he suggested, his tone gentle yet suggestive.

The situation was unprecedented, a line being toe-dipped into uncharted waters. I was acutely aware of their closeness, the heat from their bodies, and the youthful energy they exuded. It was a stark contrast to the loneliness and predictability of my usual evenings.

Looking at them, I saw not just my son’s friends, but two young men at the cusp of their lives, full of desire and unspoken fantasies. The realization that I was the focal point of these fantasies was both daunting and exhilarating.

“Guys, you do realize I’m old enough to be your mother, right?” I said, a part of me seeking reassurance in the face of this tempting but taboo scenario.

Kyle’s response was a soft chuckle. “We know. But age is just a number, right? It’s about how you feel, the connection.”

Their flattery was intoxicating, a sweet nectar that I found myself unwittingly drawn to. The night, with its playful banter and flirtations, had evolved into something more intimate, a dance on the edge of societal norms and personal desires.

As their hands remained on my legs, a silent understanding passed between us. It was a moment of mutual recognition of the attraction and tension that filled the room. The air was thick with the possibility of crossing a boundary that, once crossed, could change everything.

Tension and Temptation

The soft hum of the evening wrapped around us, a cocoon of tension and temptation. Kyle and Steve, one on each side of me, their hands a gentle but electrifying presence on my legs, looked at me with a mix of desire and hesitation, as if waiting for a sign.

My heart raced with a cocktail of emotions. The attention was flattering, stirring within me a sense of allure and vitality that I hadn’t felt in years. Yet, the magnitude of the situation was not lost on me. They were my son’s friends – young, vibrant, stepping into a realm that defied the norms I had always lived by.

The room felt both charged and still as if time itself was holding its breath. Kyle’s voice, low and tinged with uncertainty, broke the silence. “Carol, we don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with. Just say the word.”

His words, considerate and sincere, only added to the complexity of my feelings. There was an undeniable connection, an unspoken understanding that what was happening was as rare as it was forbidden.

Steve’s hand shifted slightly, his touch a silent question. “We just want you to know how we feel, how beautiful and captivating we find you. It’s hard to ignore.”

I looked at them, two young men in the throes of their own desires, their eyes searching mine for an answer. The air around us was thick with the possibility of crossing a boundary from which there was no return.

The choice was mine to make. A part of me yearned to indulge in the fantasy, to explore this unexpected avenue of affection and attraction. Another part of me was acutely aware of the potential consequences, the complexities of indulging in such a forbidden dalliance.

As their hands once rested now felt more like caressing my legs, a silent offer hanging in the balance, I found myself at a crossroads. The temptation was undeniable, but so were the realities of our situation. The tension in the room was a living thing, a dance of desire and restraint. I could feel tingles between my legs, part of me wanted to stop. Also, I wanted to further but was unsure what to do.

Unexpected Threesome: A Night of Wild Passion

As the night went on, the conversation turned more and more playful. Jokes about cocks and sizes were thrown around, and I couldn’t help but join in. I laughed and joked along with them, but I never expected things to escalate the way they did.

Kyle and Steve suddenly pulled down their zippers, revealing their hard cocks. I was taken aback, not expecting them to actually follow through with the jokes. But as I looked at their throbbing members, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of desire.

Silently, I found myself in the middle of the two of them on the couch. My hands naturally reached out to touch their erect cocks on either side of me. I was surprised by how large and hard they were, and without hesitation, I took them into my mouth for pleasure. As I switched between sucking and stroking, I couldn’t help but make noises of enjoyment. 

I looked up at them and playfully asked if they were enjoying it. They both nodded eagerly, and I felt a sense of control knowing I could pleasure both of them simultaneously. Feeling brave, I joked and asked if they wanted to have sex with me. To my surprise, they eagerly accepted my offer. 

I lay down on the living room floor, my legs spread open as Kyle knelt near my head with his penis in my mouth. Meanwhile, Steve explored my body with his hands. His fingers traced over my chest, causing my nipples to harden under his touch. The feeling was intense, and I couldn’t help but moan around Kyle’s cock. Steve unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off, along with my underwear. He then positioned himself between my legs.

I gasped with delight as Steve drove into me. He was slipping in and out of me more quickly as he firmly grasped my thighs. I could feel myself approaching climax with each passing moment since the sensations were so strong. I knew that I couldn’t resist for very long. The guys changed things up just as I was about to have an orgasm.

As Steve was getting a blowjob, Kyle took over and slid into me. I couldn’t stop letting out groans of ecstasy because of the pleasure of two men inside of me. I pulled the cock back into my mouth and exclaimed, “Oh my, you guys have really grown up, mmhmm, fuck me, fill me up.”

My back started to ache, but it was worth it to be shagged by two young men on my living room floor.

Amidst the sounds of our moans and the smacking of skin against skin, I could hear Kyle and Steve talking to each other. “She’s so fucking hot dude,” Kyle groaned as he thrust into me. “I can’t believe we’re fucking her, Adams mom is so good.”

With a frantic and raw voice, I pleaded for more. I groaned as I kept slurping cock, “Fuck me harder, oh fucking hell”. When my orgasm finally happened, my body arched off the ground because Kylie’s cock was giving my pussy such a hard fucking pounding. Waves of pleasure rushed over me, and I could feel the guys nearing their own climax. I shouted out in ecstasy.

My pussy gushed over Kyle’s cock as he continued to hammer it into me. the sound of his skin slapping against me as I moaned around steves cock “Mmmm, mmmm.”

As they both came, Kyle with a throaty grunt as he filled my cunt with his hot spunk, while Steve’s cum in my mouth. I gagged and choked, but the intense pleasure of the moment overtook any discomfort.

However, I was taken aback by what had taken place and what we did. The phenomenal satisfaction I had just had was all that mattered. I could not help but think that this was going to be a night to remember as our breathing rhythm came back to normal.


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