Sarah and Gillian took their dads camping daughter swap

The morning sun began peering over the horizon, casting a soft, golden glow across the quiet neighbourhood. I blinked sleepily as the soft beeping of my alarm pulled me from the warmth of my bed. With a groan, I stretched and rolled over, peering at the clock. It was 6:00 AM, earlier than I would usually wake up on a weekend, but today was special.

The excitement simmering beneath my grogginess pushed me out of bed, and I padded across the room to the window. Drawing back the curtains, I gazed out at the sleepy street. The sky was a soft lavender, promising a clear, sunny day ahead. It is the perfect weather for our camping trip.

I hurried to my closet, throwing it open to decide what to wear. My fingers danced over the hangers, finally settling on a red crop top that always made me feel confident. It was snug, dipping low enough to be teasing but still playful. I paired it with my favourite black shorts, which fit just right, hugging my hips and showing off just enough to keep things interesting. Satisfied with my choice, I quickly dressed, smoothing the fabric over my skin as I looked at myself in the mirror.

My fiery red hair was a wild mess from sleep, so I grabbed a brush and tamed it into something more presentable. As I worked, I thought about Gillian and how much fun we would have this weekend. We’d been planning this trip for weeks, our first real adventure away from the everyday grind. Just the two of us and our dads, out in the middle of nowhere with nothing but nature and the open sky.

I couldn’t wait.

Once my hair was under control, I added a touch of lip gloss and mascara, just enough to bring out the green in my eyes. I knew it was only camping, but something about looking good made me feel ready to take on anything.

As I went downstairs, the house was quiet, and the scent of coffee drifted through the air. My dad was already in the kitchen, sipping from a mug as he flipped through the morning newspaper. He looked up when he heard me and grinned.

“Morning, sleepyhead. Ready for the big day?” His voice was warm, the same tone he always used when we were about to do something special.

“More than ready,” I replied, grabbing an apple from the counter. “Is everything packed?”

“Yep, all set. Just waiting on you.” He took another sip of his coffee, his eyes twinkling with the same excitement I felt. My dad loved camping and always had. It was one of the things we bonded over ever since I was little. He’d taught me everything I knew about the outdoors—how to pitch a tent, start a fire, even fish. These trips were our thing, but having Gillian and her dad along would make it even better.

I took a bite of my apple, the crisp sweetness waking me up entirely. “I’m good to go, then. Gillian texted me earlier; they’re ready whenever we are.”

“Great. Let’s hit the road, then.” He set his mug down and folded the newspaper, slipping it into the side pocket of his duffel bag.

We grabbed our bags and headed to the car, the early morning air cool against my skin. The sun was just beginning to climb higher, turning the sky from lavender to a soft blue. The neighbourhood was still quiet, only the occasional bird chirping in the distance as we loaded the last of our gear into the trunk.

Once everything was packed, we settled into the car, and my dad started the engine. The motor’s hum was the only sound as we backed out of the driveway and began the short drive to Gillian’s house. I fiddled with the radio, searching for some music to wake us up fully. I landed on a pop station, the upbeat tunes filling the car as we drove through the still-empty streets.

It wasn’t long before we pulled up in front of Gillian’s house. The two-story brick home was quiet, but I could see movement behind the curtains in the living room. As if on cue, the front door opened, and Gillian stepped out, her blonde hair shimmering in the morning light.

She was dressed similarly to me, in a white tank top that hugged her curves and denim shorts that showed off her long, tanned legs. I couldn’t help but smile as she waved, her blue eyes sparkling excitedly.

“Morning!” she called out, her voice carrying across the yard.

“Morning!” I shouted back, opening the car door and hopping out to help her with her bags. Her dad, Andrew, followed close behind, a broad grin on his face as he lugged a couple of duffel bags over his shoulder.

“Ready for the adventure of a lifetime?” he joked, his deep voice filled with good-natured humour.

“You know it!” I laughed, reaching for one of Gillian’s bags. She handed it to me with a grin, and we both turned to load them into the trunk.

Our dads exchanged greetings, slapping each other on the back as they began chatting about the upcoming trip. They were like that—always talking, always planning, always excited about whatever was next on the horizon. It was one of the reasons Gillian and I got along so well. We were practically raised together, our dads being as close as brothers.

Once everything was packed and double-checked, we all piled into the car, this time with Gillian beside me in the backseat. The car felt a little more cramped with all of us inside, but it was a comfortable kind of crowded that comes from being with people you’ve known your whole life.

“Alright, everyone ready?” my dad asked, glancing back at us through the rearview mirror.

“Ready!” Gillian and I chimed in unison, sharing a quick smile.

With that, we were off, the car rolling down the quiet streets as we began our journey. The plan was to drive a few hours out to a remote campsite that our dads had discovered years ago, far enough from civilization that we wouldn’t be disturbed but close enough that it wasn’t too much of a trek. It was supposed to be one of those hidden gems, a perfect spot for a weekend getaway.

The sun climbed higher as we left the suburbs behind, the houses giving way to open fields and patches of forest. The roads were mostly empty, and the early hours and rural location kept traffic minimal. Gillian and I settled into a comfortable rhythm, talking about everything and nothing as the landscape rolled by outside the window.

“I’m so glad we’re finally doing this,” Gillian said, leaning back against the seat with a contented sigh. “I’ve been looking forward to it for weeks.”

“Me too,” I agreed, glancing over at her. Her blonde hair was still tousled from sleep, and there was a relaxed smile on her lips. “It’s going to be so much fun. Just us, the great outdoors, and no responsibilities for the whole weekend.”

She laughed softly, the sound warm and accessible. “Exactly. And who knows what kind of adventures we’ll get into?”

“Hopefully, the kind we can actually talk about when we get back,” I teased, giving her a playful nudge with my elbow.

She grinned, her eyes flashing with mischief. “Oh, you know we’ll have some stories to tell. But the best are always the ones you must keep to yourself, right?”

I couldn’t help but laugh, knowing exactly what she meant. We’d had our fair share of secret adventures over the years, the kind that you only share with your best friend. This weekend felt like it was going to be another one of those.

The drive continued smoothly, the sun rising higher in the sky as we went further into the countryside. The fields of green slowly gave way to denser forests, the trees growing taller and thicker as we neared our destination. The air coming through the open windows grew fresher, carrying the scent of pine and earth, a promise of the wilderness ahead.

As the miles passed, the conversation in the car ebbed and flowed, comfortable and familiar. Our dads were deeply discussing some new camping gear they’d picked up for the trip, their voices blending into the background as Gillian and I discussed more immediate concerns—like what we’d do first when we arrived at the campsite.

“I vote for exploring,” Gillian suggested, her blue eyes alight with excitement. “We can set up camp, then head out and see what we can find. There’s supposed to be a lake nearby, right?”

“Yeah, Dad mentioned it. We could go for a swim,” I said, already picturing how the cool water would feel against my skin after the long car ride.

“Definitely. And maybe we can do some hiking tomorrow. I brought my camera so we can take some pictures.” She’d only recently discovered Gillian’s passion for photography, and she was always looking for new places to capture.

“Sounds perfect.” I smiled, imagining the two of us wandering through the woods, discovering hidden spots that no one else knew about. “This is going to be the best weekend ever.”

The drive continued, the landscape growing more rugged and wild as we approached the campsite. The sun was high in the sky, casting bright light across the road as we turned onto a narrow dirt path that led deeper into the forest. The trees closed in around us, their branches forming a canopy overhead that dappled the car in shifting patterns of light and shadow.

Gillian leaned forward, peering out the window with wide eyes. “This place is amazing. It’s like we’re in the middle of


“Exactly the point,” my dad said from the front seat, his voice filled with satisfaction. “No distractions, no crowds. Just us and nature.”

The path wound through the trees, the car bouncing slightly over the uneven ground. It was a little rougher than I expected but only added to the sense of adventure. I could feel the anticipation building, a low hum of excitement that buzzed beneath my skin.

Finally, after hours, we broke through the dense forest into a small clearing. The campsite was just as our dads had described it—a flat, grassy area surrounded by tall trees, with a clear view of the sky overhead. In the distance, I could see the glint of water, the lake Gillian had mentioned, sparkling in the sunlight.

“This is it,” my dad announced, pulling the car to a stop. “Home sweet home for the weekend.”

We all piled out of the car, stretching and breathing the fresh air. The scent of pine was stronger here, mingling with the earthy smell of the forest floor. I took a deep breath, feeling the stress of everyday life melt away as I looked around at our new surroundings.

Gillian stepped beside me, her eyes wide with wonder. “It’s perfect.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, a grin spreading across my face. “It is.”

As our dads started unloading the car, I caught Gillian’s eye. There was a spark of mischief in her gaze that told me she was already thinking about what kind of trouble we could get into. I felt a similar thrill run through me, knowing that whatever this weekend held would be unforgettable.

We quickly began helping our dads with the gear, unloading tents, sleeping bags, and coolers filled with food. The sun was warm on our skin, and the sky was a brilliant blue above us as we worked. There was a sense of camaraderie, a shared excitement that made the tasks feel less like chores and more like part of the adventure.

Gillian and I were in charge of setting up our tent, a task we’d done plenty of times before. We worked together seamlessly, laying out the ground tarp and assembling the poles with practised ease. I stepped back to admire our handiwork as we secured the final piece.

“Not bad,” Gillian said, dusting off her hands. “We make a pretty good team.”

“The best,” I agreed, flashing her a grin. “Now, what do you say we go check out that lake?”

“Absolutely.” She didn’t need any more convincing. We grabbed our towels and a change of clothes, letting our dads know where we were headed before setting off down the narrow trail that led to the water.

The path was lined with tall pines, their needles carpeting the ground in a soft, fragrant layer. The air was cooler here, shaded by the trees, and the sound of birdsong filled the air. I could hear the faint lapping of water against the shore growing louder as we neared the lake, the anticipation building with each step.

The sight took my breath away when we finally broke through the trees. The lake was larger than I’d expected, a wide expanse of clear, blue water that stretched out before us, reflecting the sky above. The shore was rocky, with patches of sand scattered here and there, and the water looked invitingly cool.

“This is amazing,” Gillian said, her voice filled with awe as she took it all in.

“Yeah,” I agreed, already kicking off my shoes. “Let’s go for a swim.”

Without waiting for a response, I stripped off my clothes to my swimsuit, the cool breeze brushing against my skin. Gillian quickly followed suit, her movements just as eager. We both ran toward the water, laughing as the rocks and sand crunched beneath our feet.

The water was cool and refreshing, perfectly contrasting to the day’s warmth. We waded in up to our waists before diving under, the coldness shocking but exhilarating. When I surfaced, I looked over at Gillian, who was grinning from ear to ear.

“This is exactly what I needed,” she said, floating on her back as she let the water carry her.

“Same,” I replied, feeling the world’s weight lift off my shoulders as I floated beside her. “This weekend is going to be perfect.”

The sun was setting as we arrived at the campsite, the sky glowing in shades of orange and pink. I could feel a spark of excitement, the fresh scent of pine and earth filling the air as I stepped out of the car. I glanced over at Gillian, my best friend since we were little, and couldn’t help but grin. She caught my eye and winked, her blonde hair catching the light as it tumbled freely down her shoulders.

Gillian wore a white tank top that hugged her curves, the thin material leaving little to the imagination. Her denim shorts rode high on her thighs, showing off her long, tanned legs. There was a playful gleam in her blue eyes, a clear sign that we were both thinking the same thing—this weekend would be anything but ordinary.

I adjusted my own top, a snug red crop that matched my short, fiery hair. The fabric clung to me, dipping low in the front to show just a hint of cleavage, enough to tease. My black shorts were cut similarly to Gillian’s, fitting comfortably on my hips, and as I moved, I could feel the cool breeze brush against my skin. We had dressed to enjoy ourselves, ready to make the most of this camping trip, even if our dads were tagging along.

Our dads were busy unloading the car, their voices deep in conversation. My dad, Tony, was as excited as ever about camping; his rugged face broke into a grin as he chatted with Gillian’s dad, Andrew. They were practically brothers, having known each other since before we were born, and they shared everything—from camping trips to their endless discussions about football.

Gillian and I exchanged a look as we heard them start up about football again.

“Can you believe this? Another season of boring dad talk,” I said, loud enough for Gillian to hear but not so loud that our dads would notice.

Gillian rolled her eyes dramatically and let out a fake yawn. “Right? It’s like they’re stuck on repeat.”

I chuckled, feeling a bit cheeky. “Meet me here later when we’ve settled down for the night. I’ve got an idea,” I whispered, leaning close so only she could hear.

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity. “Alright,” she whispered, her lips curling into a knowing smile.

Our dads glanced over, clearly noticing our little exchange, but we smiled innocently. They couldn’t possibly guess what we were planning—or at least, what I was planning.

Ever since I was old enough to notice, I’d thought Gillian’s dad, Andrew, was incredibly handsome. There was something about the way he carried himself, the way his laugh rumbled deep in his chest, that made my heart skip a beat. And judging by the way Gillian looked at my dad, Tony, I was sure she felt the same way about him. It was our little secret, one we’d never spoken out loud, but it lingered between us like an unspoken challenge.

As the evening wore on, we set up our tents, laughing and joking, but always with that simmering undercurrent of something more. When the sun finally dipped below the horizon and the stars began to twinkle above us, the fire crackling softly, I knew it was time.

Our dads were still engrossed in their conversation, their deep voices blending with the sounds of the night. I caught Gillian’s eye from across the campfire and tilted my head slightly, signalling her to follow me.

“I’m just going to grab something from the car,” I said, loud enough for our dads to hear, trying to sound casual.

“Yeah, me too,” Gillian added, flashing me a quick grin before we both slipped into the shadows.

Once we were out of sight, I led her to a spot just beyond the trees, where the campfire sounds faded into the background. The night was calm and quiet, and I could feel the excitement pulsing through me.

“So, what’s the big idea?” Gillian asked, her voice barely above a whisper, but I could hear the excitement in it.

I leaned in close, our faces almost touching, and whispered, “What do you think about a little swap tonight? When we go to bed, wait five minutes after getting changed, then make up an excuse to leave your tent. We’ll swap—I’ll go to yours, and you come to mine.”

Gillian’s eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, I wondered if I had gone too far. But then, a slow smile spread across her face, the familiar mischievous glint returning to her eyes.

“You’re wicked,” she whispered, her voice tinged with excitement. “But… I like it.”

A thrill ran through me at her response. This was why Gillian and I were such good friends—we always understood each other and were always up for a bit of fun, no matter how daring. The idea of a swap had been teasing at the back of my mind since we started planning this trip, and now that it was out in the open, it felt electric, like a spark waiting to ignite.

“You sure you’re up for it?” I asked, leaning in closer, so close I could feel her breath on my skin.

She laughed softly, shaking her head slightly, sending her blonde hair cascading over her shoulders. “Are you kidding? I’ve been thinking about this since we got here. It’s just like you to make it happen.”

I grinned, feeling a surge of confidence. “Then it’s a plan.”

We stood there momentarily, the weight of our plan settling between us, adding a new layer of excitement to the evening. The night was still and quiet; the only sounds were the distant crackle of the fire and the soft rustling of leaves in the breeze. It was the perfect setting for a bit of mischief.

“Alright,” I said, finally pulling back, my heart still pounding with anticipation. “We better get back before they start wondering what we’re up to.”

Gillian nodded, but not before giving me one last conspiratorial look. “This is going to be so much fun,” she whispered as we returned to the camp.

When we stepped back into the light of the fire, our dads looked up, pausing their conversation. They must have noticed the twinkle in our eyes, but they didn’t say anything; they just gave us those knowing, dad-like looks that made me wonder if they ever really knew what we were up to.

The rest of the evening passed in a blur of laughter and conversation. We cooked dinner over the fire, the scent of roasting marshmallows filling the air as the stars sparkled above. But even as we joked and teased, our secret plan buzzed between Gillian and me, unspoken but ever-present.

Finally, the night deepened, and it was time to turn in. My heart pounded as I followed Dad to our tent, the cool air sending shivers down my spine. I couldn’t help but glance at Gillian one last time before we disappeared into our separate tents, her eyes catching mine in the darkness. She gave me a subtle nod, the signal that she was ready.

Inside the tent, Dad was already settling into his sleeping bag, completely unaware of the storm of emotions brewing inside me. I quickly changed into my short nightie, my mind racing with the plan we had set in motion. I could hear Dad’s steady breathing as he lay back, already half-asleep, utterly unaware of what was about to happen.

I waited, counting the minutes, each one feeling longer than the last. My pulse was racing, every sound seeming louder in the stillness of the night. And then, when I was sure enough time had passed, I took a deep breath and moved.

“Dad?” I whispered, keeping my voice low and a touch hesitant.

“Yeah, sweetheart?” he murmured, half-asleep already.

“I think I left my phone in the car,” I lied, trying to sound as innocent as possible. “Do you mind if I go and get it?”

He sighed, already used to my forgetfulness. “Alright, but be quick. It’s late.”

I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me in the dark, and slipped out of the tent as quietly as possible. My heart was pounding as I made my way through the shadows, the thrill of the night tingling across my skin.

As I approached Gillian’s tent, I saw her figure slip out as planned. We paused momentarily, both of us grinning like we were getting away with something big.

“Ready?” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the night sounds.

“Always,” I whispered back, and with that, we switched places, each of us slipping into the other’s tent.

As I entered the tent, the warmth hit me immediately, a stark contrast to the cool night air outside. My heart raced, knowing this was the moment that could either go perfectly or get very complicated. The soft glow of a nearby lantern cast gentle shadows inside, and there, on his side, was Andrew. His broad, muscled back was bare, his shirt tossed carelessly to the side. Seeing him so relaxed, almost vulnerable in sleep, made my pulse quicken.

But then, his breathing changed, becoming more alert. He rubbed his eyes, the lantern’s light catching on his rugged features as he turned to face me. His eyes, still hazy with sleep, focused on me, and a flicker of confusion crossed his face.

“Sarah?” His voice was thick with sleep, but there was a hint of curiosity, too. “What are you doing here? Where’s Gillian?”

For a split second, panic fluttered in my chest. But I forced myself to stay calm, to remember the thrill of the game we were playing. My mind raced for an explanation that wouldn’t blow our cover.

I flashed him a soft, reassuring smile, trying to appear casual. “Gillian and I thought it might be fun to swap tents for the night,” I said, keeping my voice low and steady. “You know, mix things up a bit.”

Andrew blinked, clearly still processing the situation. His gaze lingered on me, taking in the sight of me in my short nightie. The fabric clung to my body, soft and thin, offering a teasing glimpse of my curves. I could tell he was trying to figure out what to make of the situation, his expression shifting between confusion and something else—something that sent a shiver down my spine.

“Swap tents?” he repeated, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Well, that’s… unexpected.”

I chuckled softly, feeling the tension ease slightly. “Yeah, we thought it would be a little adventure. I saw you looking at me most of the night; you don’t mind Gillian being with my dad, do you?”

Andrew’s eyes widened slightly at my bold question, and he seemed caught off guard momentarily. He shifted on his side, the faint light from the lantern casting shadows over his robust features as he searched for the right words.

“Well, I—uh…” he began, his voice a little uneven, betraying his surprise. He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to gather his thoughts. “It’s not that I mind, it’s just… I didn’t expect this,” he stammered, his gaze flickering between my eyes and the curve of my smile.

I bit my lip, feeling nerves and excitement fluttering in my chest. It was thrilling to see him, usually so composed, struggling to find his footing. I could feel the warmth in the tent, the closeness between us amplifying every little movement, every breath.

“I mean,” he continued, trying to regain his composure, “Gillian and I didn’t talk about it. I suppose if she’s happy, then… I’m alright with it.” He paused, the hint of a smile playing at the edges of his lips. “But this is… unexpected.”

I took a step closer, feeling the soft fabric of my nightie brush against my skin. “Unexpected can be good, though,” I whispered, my voice barely above a murmur, “can’t it?”

Andrew’s breath hitched slightly as he took in my words, his eyes locked on mine. I could see the conflict in his gaze, the way his thoughts seemed to be racing. He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he tried to steady his breathing.

“Yeah,” he finally said, his voice a bit steadier now, though still laced with uncertainty. “Yeah, I suppose it can be.”

I moved a little closer, closing the distance between us until I could feel the warmth of his body in the small space. My heart pounded, the anticipation almost too much to bear. I wanted to see where this could go and how far we could push the boundaries of this night.

“Maybe,” I whispered, leaning in just enough that our faces were almost touching, “we could make the most of it, then.”

Andrew’s eyes darkened slightly, and I could see the thoughts swirling in his mind as he processed my words. He hesitated for a heartbeat, then slowly nodded, his voice barely a breath. “Yeah,” he murmured, his gaze never leaving mine. “Maybe we could.”

We heard moans from the other tent; the moment hung between us, thick with anticipation. Andrew’s eyes widened as the faint, unmistakable sounds drifted through the tent’s thin walls. The low, soft moans from the other tent, where Gillian and my dad were, cut through the tension like a knife.

Andrew’s face flushed, his eyes darting towards the tent entrance as if trying to process what he was hearing. I could see the conflict on his face—the shock, the confusion, and the mixed emotions that came crashing down all at once.

I felt a strange blend of emotions, too, a surge of excitement laced with nervousness. The boundary between playful mischief and something more profound had just been crossed. But instead of pulling back, I felt drawn closer to Andrew, as if the sounds from the other tent were a trigger, pushing us both to the edge of something neither of us had expected to face tonight.

Andrew swallowed hard, his breathing growing more ragged, and I could see how his muscles tensed under his skin. He was trying to figure out what to do and react to something unexpected and intimate.

I leaned in closer, my voice barely a whisper, my lips almost brushing against his ear. “Maybe they’re just… making the most of it too. It sounds like my dad’s giving her it hard. You don’t mind my dad fucking your daughter, do you? We planned this.”

I pulled off my nightie; I had no bra or panties on underneath, and hearing Gillian moan loudly turned me on. I was naked, and he was staring at my big tits. I lay next to him.

“You know, I have had Gillian’s coochie, too. Does that bother you?” I said as my hand rubbed his chest.

Andrew’s breath hitches as he takes in your words, his eyes wide with surprise and a hint of unease. He stammers, trying to find the right words, “I-I-I don’t know what to say, Sarah. That’s… that’s not something I expected to hear.”

“I am a greedy bitch, I guess; I am bi, and I love a bit of pussy and cock,” I tease him with my words wanting him to crumble and like me. I could still hear Gillian and my dad at it; it sounded like he was giving it to her hard: go Dad, you hunk.

Andrew’s eyes widen at your bold declaration, and I can tell he’s struggling to process this unexpected turn of events. His breath grows ragged, and the tension between us is electric. I can see him wrestling with his desires, the shock on his face slowly giving way to something more primal.

“I-I see,” he finally manages to say, his voice barely above a whisper. He swallows hard, his eyes drawn to your naked body and the way your hand gently caresses his chest. I can tell he’s fighting a losing battle against his desires, the thrill of the unknown proving irresistible.

“So, Andrew,” I murmur, my voice sultry as I lean closer. “Do you want a taste of me, of what I have to offer?”

“I… I have a wife back home, you know this,” he said, but the strain in his boxers suggests otherwise.

“Well, so does my dad, but that ain’t stopping him,” I said as I got closer to the waistband of his boxers.

“You can’t deny this attraction between us, can you?” I whisper, my voice a seductive purr as I begin to pull down his boxers.

“I-I shouldn’t be doing this,” he murmurs, his voice ragged as he tries to resist, but his resolve falters under his desires. I continue to tug at his boxers, revealing him inch by inch until he’s fully exposed to me.

I take in the sight of him, his arousal a testament to the unspoken chemistry between us. His body is muscular, with a dusting of hair on his chest that trails down his abs to the base of his length. I lick my lips, wanting to taste him, to feel the heat of him against my tongue.

Without waiting for permission, I lean in, wrapping my lips around the tip of his erection, tasting him for the first time. He’s hard and pulsing, and the taste of him is salty and masculine, sending a jolt of pleasure straight to my core. I swirl my tongue around him, enjoying the way he moans in response, the tension in his body growing ever tighter.

“Ahh fuck, suck it, Sarah baby, your so sexy.” He groans as I continue to pleasure him, taking him deeper into my mouth.

He grips my hair, tugging at it gently, and his eyes are intoxicating with pleasure and guilt. I wrap my hand around his length, matching my movements with my mouth. He’s long and thick, his size overwhelming me as I try to take him deeper.

As I pulled my mouth, his cock, a line of Salva linking my mouth to his cock broke. I lay down, smirking at him as he got on top of me. As he leaned to my tits and sucked on one of them. At the same time, putting his cock inside me, oh, it felt so good.

As Andrew thrust into me, I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him closer. His body was slick with sweat, and the sound of our skin slapping together filled the tent. The pleasure was overwhelming, a crescendo of sensation building between my legs.

I started to moan loud, making sure Gillian could hear me getting fucked by her innocent daddy, “AH, fuck yes, fuck me harder,” I urged, my fingernails digging into the firm muscles of Andrew’s back. He did as I asked, the force of his thrusts driving me closer to the edge.

Meanwhile, in my dads tent: Gillian – Third Person Perspective

“Yes, Gillian, ride that dick ungh, sweetie,” he said as Gillian bounced up and down, dragging her cunt up and down his stiff shaft.

“Mmmm T-Tony, oh fuck your cocks big.. Mmmm oh my pussy, yes It feels so good,” Gillian gasped, her nails digging into Tony’s shoulders as he filled her with every inch of his hard cock.

She rode him with abandon, her moans and cries mingling with the sounds of the forest around them. Each thrust of his hips pushed her closer to the edge, the tension building and building until it was almost too much to bear.

“Fuck me, Tony, give it to me hard,” she pleaded, her voice raw and desperate.

With that, he pulled her off his cock and laid her on her back as he pushed her legs right up to her chest. He held the back of her thighs and lifted her slightly off the ground, with his cock slowly sliding back into her aching pussy.

He could hear me from the other tent. “Sounds like your princess Sarah isn’t a prince, haha. My dad’s destroying her, by the sounds of it. Now Tony, do you have what it takes to make me moan louder than Sarah?”

Gillian gasps as he starts to fuck her pussy with more power in his movements, “Challenge accepted, Gillian,” he said, slamming his junk in and out her sweaty pussy.

“Mmmm oh Tony, harder, put some effort into it give me it FUCKING HARDER, Sarahs getting it good I want it better,” Gillian always loved to compete with me.

Tony and a smirk on his face, a sinful and dark cloud came over him as he shifted Gillian into the piledriver position and slammed into her with all his might. The force of each thrust drove the air from her lungs, her body trembling with the onslaught of pleasure.

“Yes, Tony! Harder, give it to me harder!” she cried, her fingers clutching at the sleeping bag beneath her as she tried to hold on.

And then he couldn’t hold back any longer; he tried, oh he tried, but her pussy was just too demanding and tight for him.

He moaned and grunted severely as he pumped his load into Gillian’s dirty wet cunt.

“Unghhh FUCK,” he spurted and jizzed his hot steamy spunk into her.

Meanwhile, back in Gillian’s Tent, I was taking it hard:

“Mmmmmm, Andrew,” I panted, “oh fucking yes, you’re going to make me cum, just like that. Don’t stop.” The tension between us continued to build as I urged him on, feeling every ridge and vein on his cock as it moved inside me, each one sending a bolt of pleasure through my body.

I writhed beneath him, the fabric of the tent feeling rough and foreign against my skin as his movements grew more insistent. My pussy felt slick with moisture, each thrust pushing me closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy. I wanted him to lose control, to unleash all of himself inside of me. I needed to feel its rawness, the desperation of being filled with him completely. My breath came in ragged gasps as I begged him to give in to the desire building between us.

The tent opened, and it was Gillian, “you like my dad, Sarah.” She watched as her dad just pounded my cunt over and over.

She made her way above my head and pulled up her nightie and slid her panties to the side, and sat on my face while Andrew, her dad fucked me.

“That’s it, Sarah, taste what your dirty dad did to me; Gillian’s warm, wet pussy was right above my face, and I eagerly dove in, my tongue swirling around her swollen labia. Her tangy, musky scent filled my nostrils, and I felt her hips grind down against my face as I tasted her. Her moans grew louder, her pleasure mingling with mine as I feasted on her pussy.

As I ate deeper, I could taste semen, the load my dead emptied into. I heard her dad, Andrew, grunting, and he full-on pounded me.

The feeling of Gillian’s pussy against my face, her dad’s cock driving in and out of me, the taste of my dad’s semen mixed with her cunt juice—it was all too much. I felt myself spiralling higher and higher, every nerve in my body electrified with pleasure.

“I’m going to cum, Andrew. Don’t stop.” I cried out, the words barely audible against the onslaught of sensation.

“Yes, Sarah, come for me. Eat my daughter out. You better clean her up.” Andrew growled, his voice a guttural snarl as he thrust deeper.

With that, I let go. I felt my orgasm shudder through me, starting at my core and radiating outward. Every muscle in my body clenched, and my vision blurred as waves of pleasure washed over me. I could feel myself clenching around Andrew’s cock, milking him for all he was worth.

“Oh fuck, argh,” he moaned and grunted, past the point of no return. My juicy cunt took the explosion that just took place. I could feel it shooting up my cunt.

I felt Gillian’s pussy tighten around my face as she came, waves of pleasure rippling through her. I licked and sucked at her labia, drinking in every drop of her orgasm. Her body trembled above me, her pleasure mingling with my own as we both found release.

I lay there, spent and satisfied, as Andrew slowed his movements, his panting breaths filling the tent. Gillian finally slid off my face, her breathing ragged as she looked down at the two of us. We were a tangle of limbs and sweat, our bodies glowing with the aftermath of pleasure.

We just looked at each other for a moment, unsure what to say or do next. But then, Gillian leaned down and gently kissed my lips.


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Mr Calavera

Mr Calavera

Mmm, I really enjoyed that scenario and the build-up and especially the crescendo ending. Thank you Sarah 🖤